Avoiding Diabetes
Avoiding diabetes can prove to be a bit of a challenge, but by determination to adapt a healthy lifestyle and routine, one can minimize the risk to a great extent. This article will tell you all about avoiding diabetes.
Diabetes is this one disease that prevalent all around the world, India being the No.1 country followed by China. Speaking of the United States, over 20 million people are suffering from diabetes and the figures are bound to increase unless necessary precautions are taken for avoiding diabetes. Yes, diabetes can be prevented by taking necessary steps and following a healthier routine. Before we start on steps for avoiding diabetes, let's discuss the risk factors related to the disease.
Risk Factors for Diabetes
Diabetes can occur due to various factors depending upon the following:
Heredity: Diabetes is a hereditary situation and is more prone to occur in a person who has a family history for the same, especially if one or both of the parents have had it.
Age: The risk for developing diabetes also depends upon the age. 20% of the people in the United States suffering from diabetes are aged 65 and above.
Obesity: As per statistics more than 80 percent of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes are overweight, making this one of the major problems caused by obesity.
If you think that you somewhat come under one of the above mentioned categories, then it's high time for you to take necessary steps in order to avoid diabetes.
Tips for Avoiding Diabetes
The risk for diabetes can be controlled provided you are determined to do so. As mentioned above, the risk factors include heredity, obesity and age. How to avoid diabetes is a question whose answer lies in the lifestyle. Of course by eating healthy and exercising you can control obesity which is one of the factors of diabetes. By eating right and staying physically active, you can prevent avoiding diabetes complications due to the age factor. And lastly by following a healthy routine, you can obviously minimize the risk of developing diabetes even if it is hereditary. Below mentioned are some tips for avoiding diabetes.
Eat Healthy
This is a tip that is not just confined to diabetes but for any health related issue. If you are under the risk of developing diabetes then you should opt for eating healthy foods to avoid diabetes. Rice, cookies, fried food, red meat, chips, pasta, soft drinks, hard drinks are a few food items that we tend to consume on a daily basis, but these food items come under the category of foods to avoid with diabetes. Instead, follow a diabetes diet menu and eat foods like fresh fruits and vegetables with high fiber, grains, skimmed milk, white meat, and so on, to prevent the risk of diabetes as avoiding diabetes diet can lead to a lot of serious complications.
Get Physically Active
Diabetes is a disease which affects the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin which is essential for digestion. Because of this, diabetic patients are forced to take insulin injections every time before they take their meals in the morning and evening. Exercising makes the pancreas more strong and efficient to secrete insulin. As mentioned earlier, obesity is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes, therefore making exercise a great tip for avoiding type 2 diabetes. Exercises for diabetes can be as simple as a 30 minute brisk walk everyday to some challenging exercises to reduce your waistline. As per statistics, exercising reduces the risk of developing diabetes to almost 30%. So exercise and get physically active, it has many rewarding benefits in the long run.
Quit Drinking and Smoking
Drinking is absolutely a NO if you want to save yourself from being a diabetic and take insulin injections! As far as smoking is concerned, people who smoke have up to 50% higher risk of getting diabetes than people who don't smoke. Smoking and drinking also affects the ability of the pancreas for secreting insulin and has enormous other ill effects on the health that can boost the risk of developing diabetes.
Regular Medical Check-ups
Getting yourself checked by a doctor on a regular basis is another step towards avoiding diabetes. Get your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels checked on a monthly basis. Seek advice from your doctor when it comes to following a diet. Your physician is an expert and will thoroughly keep you updated about your health.
The bottom line that is indicated by the above mentioned tips for avoiding diabetes is that one should maintain a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to women, following the above mentioned tips can also help avoiding diabetes during pregnancy also known as gestational diabetes. Studies have shown that people who regularly follow and maintain a nutritious diet and proper exercise in their daily routine, decrease the chances of developing diabetes by almost 71%. So, eat healthy, stay fit and active, and prevent yourself from not only diabetes, but other health issues too. All the best! :)
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