Monday, 15 August 2011

How to Treat Diverticulitis Naturally
Diverticulitis is a disease in which diverticula or small pouches present in colon become infected. Know how to treat diverticulitis naturally in this article.

Diverticula are small pouches present on the surface of the colon. They may be present elsewhere in the body, but when they are present in the digestive tract, the condition is called diverticulosis. These pouches often get irritated, inflamed and infected due to undigested food in the intestine. Diverticulitis can be extremely painful for the person. However, with the help of simple natural diverticulitis treatments, one can get rid of this condition forever. In this article, we have provided some tips on how to treat diverticulitis naturally.

Natural Treatment for Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is more common in developed countries than in Asian or African countries. This fact can be attributed to a very high consumption of low fiber, refined foods in developed countries. On the other hand, people in Asian and African countries mostly rely on high fiber grains and vegetables. Apart from that modern lifestyle also contributes a great deal to diverticulitis. Given below are natural cures for diverticulitis.

Diet and Exercise
If you intend upon treating diverticulitis at home then your diet is the first thing you can start with. Get rid of all refined, processed foods in your kitchen. These foods take a very long time to digest. Thus, they sit in the intestine for long. As a result, they irritate and inflame the diverticula present in the intestines. Besides, some of this undigested food never gets out of intestine and starts decaying there. This increases possibility of infection to diverticula. Hence, eliminating such foods from your diet sure helps in treating this condition.

A diet rich in fibers aids in digestion. It also removes the undigested residue and regulates proper bowel movement. Make sure your diet comprises of at least 30 grams of fiber every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains are a great source of natural fiber. You can also take wheat or oat bran daily to relieve constipation and facilitate proper bowel movement. Also limit your intake of high protein meats, which are often the cause of constipation.

Another way of reducing the problem of diverticulitis is to opt for organic foods. These foods are in their most natural form, free from synthetic or chemical agents. Besides, increase your water intake to up to 8 to 10 glasses a day. Water is the best digestive aid, as it combines with fibers to form smooth stools.

Apart from diet, one must also focus on getting a daily workout to the body. Exercises help regulate the bowel movement removing the undigested food in the intestines. When you burn calories, your body is forced to utilize the stored food inside it. This frees the diverticula from undigested food. A regular 25 minute exercise routine is enough to get rid of this problem forever.

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis
Other remedies include drinking buttermilk or eating plain yogurt which is a rich source of acidophilus bacteria. This bacteria effectively clears the infection of diverticula by restoring the balance of gut flora. Probiotic drinks are also helpful in resolving this problem. Herbal remedies for diverticulitis include barley grass juice, wild yams, garlic, alfalfa and Aloe Vera juice. Apart from that you should also take vitamin supplements such as B complex, vitamin C etc. Bleeding, cramping due to diverticulitis can be treated by drinking soothing herbal teas such as chamomile etc.

Diverticulitis can be very uncomfortable and painful. It can seriously affect the quality of life of a person and restrict his food choices. Hence, make sure you eat a balance diet and lead a healthy life to prevent this disease altogether. Hope this article on how to treat diverticulitis naturally was resourceful.

How to Prevent Diabetes
How to prevent diabetes? It is a very important question that needs to be addressed in today's day and age. With more and more people succumbing to diabetes, let's see how to prevent it. Read on.

These days, cases of diabetes are getting more and more common among the global population. Be it adults or children, no age group has kept itself safe from the insulin deficient monster. Hence, the best that can be done is to take active efforts to keep it at bay. One might find that a little difficult, considering that it is conquering the world. However, a little bit of effort to maintain the right lifestyle can help keep this lifestyle disease away.

How to Prevent Diabetes Naturally
There are several natural methods that one can opt for, to keep diabetes at bay. Read more on natural control of diabetes.
Maintain your weight at a healthy level. Be fit, not fat. Type 2 diabetes is mostly detected in people who are over weight. Keep track of your correct weight by height and maintain it.
Keep your diet low in fats and sugars. People who consume a lot of sugar and fat in their diet, even if they are not overweight, have a higher tendency to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Have a high fiber diet. A high fiber diet is effective at lowering the blood sugar levels. As such having a high fiber diet would help prevent diabetes.
Have more of a vegetable and less of a meat diet. Meat contains saturated fat which is also responsible for diabetes. Avoid red meat completely and keep the white meat to a minimum.
All these natural remedies can help answer the question how to prevent diabetes type 1 and 2, naturally! Read more on diabetes symptoms.

How to Prevent Diabetes in Children
A lot of children these days are being diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Earlier diabetes was a disease of the elderly, however, today, children seem to be taking it over. How do we go about preventing it? Read more on childhood diabetes symptoms.
Healthy food is imperative to prevent diabetes. Most children these days prefer to have junk food. Cultivate a habit in them to develop a taste for foods that are healthy.
Exercise is very important. Make sure that the child is a part of the school sports teams and gets regular physical exercise. Simply being thin is not being fit. The body has to work out the excessive energy to prevent fat conversion and diabetes.
Maintaining the correct body weight is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Most children these days, either eat too much of the wrong food and become overweight, or eat nothing to stay skinny and in tune with today's trend. Make sure that the children have a healthy body weight as per their height.
Let your child know all about diabetes. If it runs in the family, it is very important for the child to know how uncomfortable an illness it is. This way, he will, himself, make it a point to take efforts to prevent it for himself.
Keep a healthy lifestyle in the family. Yes, it is easy to shower the children with chocolates, but that has to be avoided. Support a healthy and happy lifestyle in the house, as a family, to prevent diabetes.
All these efforts may not work on preventing the disease in case it is genetic. However, they may delay it to a much later time. These efforts will help them cope with and manage the disease much better when they do encounter it. Read more on diabetes treatment.

How to Prevent Diabetes During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time when a woman is susceptible to almost anything. Getting diabetes during pregnancy can create a lot of complications for the delivery as well. So, here are methods to prevent the disease in such a delicate time. Read more on diabetes control diet.
Maintain a healthy diet and make sure you gain the amount of weight you are supposed to. This will give the body the required immune power and energy to prevent diseases. Keep your diet high in fiber and low in fats and sugar.
Exercise regularly for about 30 minutes. This will not only help prevent diabetes, but also help you stay fit and strong. Walking is the most preferred type of exercise during pregnancy.
Eat smaller portions of food. This way, you can eat more times a day. This will help your body to not feel the hunger pangs and stay satiated. This also helps prevent gestational diabetes. Read more on gestational diabetes diet plan.
Drink ample amounts of water. Water helps reduce the calorie count in the body and flushes out the toxins. Avoid soda or any aerated drinks, and opt for water if you have a choice.
All these steps will help you avoid diabetes, as well as have a very healthy pregnancy! Read more on diabetic diet.

Hope this article helped you answer the question, how to prevent diabetes. This is where I sign off!! All the best!

Is There a Cure for Diabetes
Millions of people around the world suffer from diabetes and ask is there a cure for diabetes, due to all the pain they have to go through? Along with the trouble, it also has to do with eating restrictions. Let’s find out, if there exists a cure for diabetes.

When a person suffers from diabetes, the person has high blood sugar levels. This can be due to one of the two reasons, either the body is not able to produce sufficient quantity of insulin or the body cells do not respond to insulin produced in the body. There are three main types of diabetes, namely type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin and it has to be injected into the body. On the other hand in type 2 diabetes, the body cells are insulin resistant, where the cells are unable to make use of insulin properly. Gestational diabetes can happen to pregnant women, who have never suffered from diabetes before. These women may have high blood glucose level during pregnancy. In some cases, gestational diabetes may proceed to become type 2 diabetes, however, it may not always be true. After reading on the basics of diabetes, is there a cure for diabetes is the question you have.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes is a chronic condition, which affects the way sugar is metabolized by the body. When a person suffers from type 2 diabetes, the body is resistant to the effects of insulin, or the body is unable to produce sufficient quantity of insulin to maintain normal glucose level.

Is there a cure for type 2 diabetes, may be the question you have. Sadly, you may not be able to cure it completely, but if you take certain measures against it, you will be able to keep it under control and avoid the complications, which come with this type of diabetes. There a few ways to take natural control of diabetes. Some of the herbs, which can be used to treat this kind of diabetes include ginseng, cinnamon, aloe vera, gymnema, fenugreek, etc. As a matter of fact, cinnamon and diabetes, go a long way. There are also certain minerals, that can also prove to useful to you in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The minerals which can prove to be useful include vanadium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, etc. However, it is important to inform your physician about the alternative treatments you are undergoing, as they may have the tendency to interfere with the working of the drugs against the condition.

Along with these alternative therapies, you will also have to ensure, that you take other adequate measures required. The first most important point is to start eating healthy food and avoid junk food as far as possible. Junk food is often said to be responsible for this condition in the western world. Following the diabetic diet is recommended. Along with well balanced diet, you will also need a good exercise plan in place. It is extremely important, that you manage your weight well, so that you do not suffer from further complications. Walking exercise is said to be the best exercise for diabetes.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is when the autoimmune system of the body destructs the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. This leads to increase in blood and urine glucose levels. This condition often has to be treated by administering insulin. The cause of this type of diabetes has not been diagnosed as yet and it is believed to be immunological. There are different therapies, that have come up to counter this form of diabetes. Pancreas transplantation is one of the option, however, this option is not to be recommended, if the condition is not a severe condition. The other method is the use of islet cell transplantation. These cells are transplanted in the liver as the production of insulin happens in the liver. If the condition is not severe you may want to control it with type 1 diabetes diet.

Now, to answer the question, is there a cure for diabetes, it is a yes and a no. The best is however, to ensure you take appropriate care, so that you do not suffer from the condition at all. Healthy diet and regular exercise is what will ensure, that you do not suffer from this condition at all. If you do suffer from diabetes, you will have to ensure you take appropriate measures to keep diabetes under control, as uncontrolled diabetes can lead to severe complications.

Avoiding Diabetes

Avoiding Diabetes
Avoiding diabetes can prove to be a bit of a challenge, but by determination to adapt a healthy lifestyle and routine, one can minimize the risk to a great extent. This article will tell you all about avoiding diabetes.

Diabetes is this one disease that prevalent all around the world, India being the No.1 country followed by China. Speaking of the United States, over 20 million people are suffering from diabetes and the figures are bound to increase unless necessary precautions are taken for avoiding diabetes. Yes, diabetes can be prevented by taking necessary steps and following a healthier routine. Before we start on steps for avoiding diabetes, let's discuss the risk factors related to the disease.

Risk Factors for Diabetes

Diabetes can occur due to various factors depending upon the following:
Heredity: Diabetes is a hereditary situation and is more prone to occur in a person who has a family history for the same, especially if one or both of the parents have had it.
Age: The risk for developing diabetes also depends upon the age. 20% of the people in the United States suffering from diabetes are aged 65 and above.
Obesity: As per statistics more than 80 percent of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes are overweight, making this one of the major problems caused by obesity.
If you think that you somewhat come under one of the above mentioned categories, then it's high time for you to take necessary steps in order to avoid diabetes.

Tips for Avoiding Diabetes

The risk for diabetes can be controlled provided you are determined to do so. As mentioned above, the risk factors include heredity, obesity and age. How to avoid diabetes is a question whose answer lies in the lifestyle. Of course by eating healthy and exercising you can control obesity which is one of the factors of diabetes. By eating right and staying physically active, you can prevent avoiding diabetes complications due to the age factor. And lastly by following a healthy routine, you can obviously minimize the risk of developing diabetes even if it is hereditary. Below mentioned are some tips for avoiding diabetes.

Eat Healthy
This is a tip that is not just confined to diabetes but for any health related issue. If you are under the risk of developing diabetes then you should opt for eating healthy foods to avoid diabetes. Rice, cookies, fried food, red meat, chips, pasta, soft drinks, hard drinks are a few food items that we tend to consume on a daily basis, but these food items come under the category of foods to avoid with diabetes. Instead, follow a diabetes diet menu and eat foods like fresh fruits and vegetables with high fiber, grains, skimmed milk, white meat, and so on, to prevent the risk of diabetes as avoiding diabetes diet can lead to a lot of serious complications.

Get Physically Active
Diabetes is a disease which affects the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin which is essential for digestion. Because of this, diabetic patients are forced to take insulin injections every time before they take their meals in the morning and evening. Exercising makes the pancreas more strong and efficient to secrete insulin. As mentioned earlier, obesity is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes, therefore making exercise a great tip for avoiding type 2 diabetes. Exercises for diabetes can be as simple as a 30 minute brisk walk everyday to some challenging exercises to reduce your waistline. As per statistics, exercising reduces the risk of developing diabetes to almost 30%. So exercise and get physically active, it has many rewarding benefits in the long run.

Quit Drinking and Smoking
Drinking is absolutely a NO if you want to save yourself from being a diabetic and take insulin injections! As far as smoking is concerned, people who smoke have up to 50% higher risk of getting diabetes than people who don't smoke. Smoking and drinking also affects the ability of the pancreas for secreting insulin and has enormous other ill effects on the health that can boost the risk of developing diabetes.

Regular Medical Check-ups
Getting yourself checked by a doctor on a regular basis is another step towards avoiding diabetes. Get your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels checked on a monthly basis. Seek advice from your doctor when it comes to following a diet. Your physician is an expert and will thoroughly keep you updated about your health.

The bottom line that is indicated by the above mentioned tips for avoiding diabetes is that one should maintain a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to women, following the above mentioned tips can also help avoiding diabetes during pregnancy also known as gestational diabetes. Studies have shown that people who regularly follow and maintain a nutritious diet and proper exercise in their daily routine, decrease the chances of developing diabetes by almost 71%. So, eat healthy, stay fit and active, and prevent yourself from not only diabetes, but other health issues too. All the best! :)

Natural Cures for Depression and Anxiety
Read this article to know about the effective natural cures for depression and anxiety, which can help you overcome anxiety attacks and lead a stress free life. Have a look!

Statistics show that more than 15 million adults in the United States suffer from clinical depression and anxiety every year! And the worst part is that 80% of the people suffering are not taking any treatment for it! If the situation remains that same, experts predict depression and anxiety to be the 2nd most common health problem by 2020! Depression, anxiety, stress - these are some things that come in hand with the kind of lifestyle that we are living in the modern world! With too much to do and too little time, with things changing so fast, with more work and less job security and meeting day to day demands while maintaining the standard of living…most of us don't even realize when depression and anxiety enters within and disturbs the enthusiasm of living life! Another fact that remains is that most of us know that we are depressed, but never want to make it official by seeking medical help and look for alternative medicine for depression and anxiety! Though I strictly advise medical attention if you think that the situation is too bad, there are some natural cures for depression and anxiety that can help you in an efficient and effective way. These natural remedies for depression and anxiety are discussed below.

Natural Depression and Anxiety Remedies

Fighting depression and anxiety is not easy, especially if it has become a natural tendency! However, there are many natural techniques and remedies that can help you cope with depression and anxiety in your life! These natural cures for depression and anxiety prove to be effective only if you learn to adapt them in your day to day life. Have a look!

Natural Herbs for Depression and Anxiety
If the world has problems, it also has the solutions! Nature has many herbal remedies for depression and anxiety that can help you control your depression and anxiety. These natural herbs for anxiety and depression are discussed as follows.
Valerian: The Valerian herb is known for its relaxing or sedative properties. One common problem that people suffering from depression and anxiety come across is lack of sleep. This helps relax the mind and get some good sleep, enabling the person overcome anxiety and depression.
St. Johns Wort: One of the most effective natural cure for depression and anxiety, the St. Johns Wort is known to be equally effective as a prescribed medicine for treating mild-moderate depression as per the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
Kava Kava: It is a natural herb for depression and anxiety which is consumed as a beverage to treat depression and anxiety disorders. It helps the mind and body relax and rest by enabling a sound and peaceful sleep.
Natural Therapies for Depression and Anxiety
Many natural therapies also help in natural cures for depression and anxiety! These therapies are discussed as under.
Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy helps cure anxiety and depression naturally. This therapy uses essential plant oils to relax a person both in body and in mind.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture for depression and anxiety has proved to be among the most effective natural remedies for depression and anxiety. Our body has many acupuncture points that can help us control depression and anxiety without consuming any dangerous drugs and medications!
Yoga: Yoga is known to be very beneficial to overcome problems related to depression, anxiety and stress. In fact, practicing a stress relief yoga everyday with some relaxing yoga exercises proves to be very effective in curing depression as well as stress and anxiety naturally.
Meditation: The mind is never at peace when a person suffers from problems like anxiety and depression. Mediation and breathing exercises would help relax that body and mind and help rejuvenate you from within.
Massage Therapy: All one needs when under the influence of depression and anxiety is to get some peace of mind! One of the many benefits of massage therapy is to relax and rejuvenate both the mind and body of the person with the help of applying some essential oils and massaging the body!
Some More Natural Cures to Fight Anxiety and Depression
Apart from the above mentioned natural remedies for depression and anxiety that includes therapies and herbs which helps you fight against depression and anxiety, it is also very important to consume the right amount and the right kind of food and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Below is the list of some additional natural remedies for anxiety and depression that can help you.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Studies show that consumption of omega 3 fatty acids helps in lowering the levels of depression and anxiety in a person. So make sure you consume food items which are rich in these essential fats.
Physical Activities: A person who is more active physically is less prone to depression and anxiety as compared to the person who is less active. So make sure you do ample amount of exercises and physical movements that will contribute in keeping anxiety and depression under control.
Eat Healthy: Eating food that is healthy and has more fiber in them helps make the body and mind feel light and active. This also contributes to the process of overcoming depression and anxiety.
So these were some natural cures for depression and anxiety. Adapting these in your daily lifestyle with commitment and dedication will definitely give you the inner energy that will help you overcome anxiety and depression. I hope this article proved to be of help. Take care.

How to Help Someone with Depression

How to Help Someone with Depression
Depression is known to be the most unpredictable disease in medicine. Find out how to help someone with depression, from the article written below.

To begin this article, I would like to introduce you to what depression is. The medical definition of depression is that, it is a type of mental and physical illness, where both the mental and physical effects on the body are dependent on each other. The more serious phase is known as major depression or clinical depression and has many causes, some major while others minor. In this disorder, these respective causes affect the victim's behavior, thoughts, feelings and physical health, because the victim is unable to battle the pressures created by them.

The common depression symptoms are; feelings of sadness, anxiousness, hopeless, emptiness, helplessness, guilt, worthlessness, irritability or restlessness, dissatisfaction with one's life, suicidal tendencies, etc. Therefore, if you know someone who is suffering from these symptoms, it is very important to help them get out of it. But you need to know how to help someone with depression, as these people are at a very sensitive stage in their lives. So, if you want to find a few tips to do so, read into the coming up paragraphs, as depression treatment is not entirely effective with medicine but care and affection.

Helping Someone with Depression

Depression is not a hereditary disorder, or as easy to cure as a common cold. It is a strong evil which takes charge of your mind and thoughts to alter them in such a way, that you can't take anything positively. Even if it is not innate, depression is something you may acquire for life, and turns into a chronic illness which needs long term treatment. However, it is not an incurable disease as it is related to your mind and psyche, which can be changed with counseling, medication, and other effective treatment. There are many forms of depression like OCD, Bipolar Depression and ADD.

People who are depressed, usually, suffer from mental issues like loss of interest in hobbies, poor concentration, weak memory or inability to make decisions and contemplation of suicide. They suffer from physical problems like overeating or loss of appetite, insomnia or excessive sleeping, energy loss, pains and digestive problems. Treating depression naturally can be one of the treatment options. But, learning how to help someone with depression is a must, as you might just save that person's life.

Understand Them
There are many ways of finding out how to help someone with depression and anxiety, the first one being, making them feel comfortable.
Don't ever tell a person in depression, that you understand him, as they are at a point where they are convinced "nobody understands". You can simply be supportive and treat them with a little respect, so that they notice the attention.
To start with, how to treat depression, ask them if they need anything and try to be polite around them. Be nice and offer help if they need it. You can also talk to them when you see them sitting alone and sad (common sight among these patients).
Offer to take them out and help them socialize as much as they can. Don't let them feel ignored and unwanted, but take them shopping and ask them for their suggestions and even advise.
Be Supportive
Being supportive is considered as a very important factor in dealing with individuals suffering from loneliness and depression. If they are in denial, make them feel like they can depend on you for emotional support, so that they open up to you.
When they feel confident that they may confide in you for emotional as well as family support. Bring about some positivity in their life by being their parent, friend, guide, a good partner, or any other role that is needed by them. This can prove to be very effective. If you want to know how to help someone with depression and alcoholism, as addicts are very conservative.
Don't make them feel derogatory to you, as you will only end up shaking their confidence, and they will shy off even more.
Encourage Them
People who are depressed think a lot and have many versions of negative thoughts in their minds. This is why, encouraging them in whatever they like to do can be great ways to treat depression, instead of being rude and intolerant about their interests.
They are also very angry and impatient people, who can often have anger outbursts every now and then. Therefore, being patient and kind to them is a good tip on how to help someone with depression and anger.
If your child is suffering from depression, don't ever say the word, "NO" to them. It leaves a negative impact on them and they might end up doing something aggressive. Pat their back and encourage them to pursue what they like! Positive thinking can also help them change.
So, with these easy tips on how to help someone with depression, I think you must have found some valuable information about the same. Always remember that any of us can be in a similar situation as these depressed, so don't ignore or be mean to them. Instead help them by giving love, affection and attention to them, so that they can get out of this deadly disorder as soon as they can.

Preventing DehydrationDependent Personality Disorder Treatment

Preventing DehydrationDependent Personality Disorder Treatment
Dependent personality disorder is a condition wherein a person becomes too much dependent on others so that they can fulfill their emotional and physical needs. This article explains about the dependent personality disorder treatment and more…

Dependent personality disorder, which was earlier known as Asthenic Personality Disorder, is one of the most common disorder which is also included amongst a group of anxious personality disorders. Abbreviated as DPD, this personality disorder can be explained as a condition wherein an individual is way too much dependent on his/her relationships with others in order to feel secured, protected, nurtured in terms of fulfilling their psychological, emotional and physical requirements. This personality disorder is equally prevalent in both men and women and tends to occur in them during their early or middle adulthood. The exact dependent personality disorder causes are unknown, however, some studies and researchers associate this disorder with a combination of certain development and biological parameters, one of them would be spending one’s childhood in an overprotective environment under authoritarian parenting and upbringing.

A person suffering from DPD tends to depend on a significant other to an extent that he or she needs their reassurance and advice in even the smallest of decisions in life. They are unable to take their own decisions and feel that they are not efficient enough to survive alone without being under the care and protection of a ‘strong person’. To make sure that the person never leaves them, they tend to go out of their way to please the person. They can do unreasonable actions, including those that they don’t approve of, just to please the significant other and to have themselves protected and nurtured. They don’t demand, they don’t show their anger and they don’t complain. Instead they become meek and docile to be able to sustain not the person, but the security in the relationship.

How to Treat Dependent Personality Disorder

You would be surprised to know that generally people suffering with this personality disorder don’t seek medical attention unless they are actually facing difficulties in their personal life due to this disorder. This is because people suffering from this personality disorder are also prone to experience depression, certain phobias and anxiety disorders. Not only this, these people are also prone to be emotionally or physically abused by their caregiver as they tend to do anything (whether right or wrong) to sustain their relationship. Because of this, they can also be a victim of substance abuse. Therefore, when it comes to the treatment of dependent personality disorder, the prime focus should be on not giving them the care and protection that they seek in others, but helping them to become self dependent when it comes to taking their own decisions and taking control of their relationships.

Diagnostic Guidelines for Treating Dependent Personality Disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is a manual referred worldwide in order to diagnose mental disorders, a person needs to have at least 5 of the below mentioned signs and symptoms in order to be diagnosed as a patient of dependent personality disorder. These criteria are mentioned in the DSM IV- TR in Axis II Cluster C.
Inability to make decisions about one’s life without being dependent on others for advice and reassurance.
Depending on others to take responsibility for almost all the major and minor parts of life.
Inability to express disagreement with others due to the fear of losing the care and support of the caregiver. (Note: Not to include reasonable and realistic fears of retribution)
Inability to take the initiative of things or new assignments and projects on their own, because of their lack of self confidence, motivation, energy or judgment.
Tendency to go way beyond normal lengths just to sustain or obtain support and care from others, even if it involves some unpleasant actions or deeds.
Extensive fear of being all alone which causes a great deal of discomfort and a sense of helplessness because of the belief that the person is incapable to take care of oneself on their own.
In case a close relationship ends, the person immediately looks for another relationship as a means to feel protected and secure.
Is always preoccupied with the feeling and fear of being left alone with the responsibility to take care of oneself.
Treatment for Dependent Personality Disorder

Now that we are aware of the behavior and mindset of people suffering from dependent personality disorder, it is obvious that the main goal of its treatment should be to make the individual more confident about one’s capability to take care of themselves on their own. The treatment should be able to bring in a sense of autonomy in a person so that he or she needn’t depend on another person to feel secured and protected. For this there are many different approaches and therapies. These are mentioned as follows.

Psychotherapy is probably the most effective treatment option that has proved to be beneficial when it comes to treating this personality disorder. Below mentioned are a few among the various therapies that are used for treatment purposes.

Adlerian Therapy
In this therapy, the therapist tries to gather information about the patient’s family history to help the patient set goals and perform based on their past performance in certain situations. These goals are set with a motive to encourage the patient to feel equal in the society. The therapist and the patient work together and set goals that are neither too easy, nor too difficult for the patient to achieve. These goals are set keeping in mind their marital life, social lifestyle, parenting style and even their involvement in substance abuse. It is a teamwork among the therapist and the patient to work together and make the patient achieve these goals.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy helps the person overcome certain behavioral issues and beliefs, which are the prime reason behind the condition. An example for the same would be the belief that they cannot take independent decisions in life. Various approaches like coaching, relaxation techniques, self management and control, cognitive restructuring are used, to name a few! The main goal of this therapy is to focus on restructuring one’s behavior making the patient believe that the abnormal behavior was a result of incorrect learning.

Reality Therapy
As the name suggests, this therapy helps the patient focus on reality and enables them to be self sufficient to live in the real world. The therapist analyzes as to when and why does the patient act in a certain way and also makes the patient evaluate the same. This helps the therapist make the patient understand and challenge him or her to face reality in a much more effective and confident manner.

Gestalt Therapy
The main focus of this therapy is to help the patient realize and identify their own problems and learn how they can avoid being a victim of these problems. The patients are made aware of their personal responsibilities. Awareness and positive enlightenment is the main focus of this therapy so that the patients do not depend on others but rather take care of themselves and their family on their own.

If you have noticed, all the therapies used for the dependent personality disorder treatment focus on the patient to systematically realize their individual problems and work towards solving them. Group therapies and family and marital therapy wherein the focus is towards eliminating all barriers and building strong relationships, have also proved to be of great help in treating this disorder.

Medications and Drugs
Though psychotherapy is considered to be the most effective method to treat dependent personality disorder, medication can also prove to be of help in the long run. Because people with this disorder also get into depression, antidepressants may be helpful, but they should more or less be avoided as these people may get dependent on these medications resulting into drug abuse.

So this was a brief write up explaining about dependent personality disorder and its treatment and diagnosis. I hope this article helped you in understanding the psychology of such patients and how they should be dealt with. Another point to be noted is that as these patients are in constant need for support and reassurance, they may tend to complain a lot regarding their physical wellness. In this case, both the therapist and the family members should make sure that they don’t dismiss their complaints but also make it a point that they don’t encourage them as well. Like any other mental disorder, even this disorder needs to be dealt with a lot of care and caution.

Preventing Dehydration

Preventing Dehydration
There are numerous effective ways for preventing dehydration; a condition wherein the body does not have enough fluid to carry out its normal functions. Read on to know what are these ways and means to prevent dehydration.

The body, to continue with its normal functions day in and day out, requires certain amount of water and other fluids. When a person loses more fluid than what he takes in, the amount of bodily fluid dwindles and gives rise to bouts of dehydration symptoms. Moreover, if the lost fluids are not replenished in time, recuperation may be severe. People suffer from dehydration due to illnesses such as severe diarrhea, vomiting, fever and even excessive perspiration.

Dehydration during hot weather is also a common scenario among those who ignore the need to drink more water than normal. Even people, during workouts, who fail to take adequate intake of water, suffer from dehydration. Although, people from any age group may become dehydrated, older adults, young children and those with a compromised immune system tend to be more prone to be affected by this condition. When it is too late for dehydration prevention, treatment becomes an obvious choice to make. Cases which are mild or moderate, can be taken care of by increasing the intake of liquid foods. However, this is not good enough to treat a case of severe dehydration, which requires immediate medical treatment. So, what is considered wise and safe is to follow some basic steps for preventing dehydration.

Preventing Dehydration In the Elderly, Children and Adults

To repeat what I mentioned above, dehydration is a state which the body reaches, upon losing substantial amount of water and other fluids. So, this makes it obvious that preventing dehydration means to keep up with the body's demand of fluids. This you can do by consuming fluids and foods such as fruits and vegetables, which are a good source of water. Never wait for your thirst to make you feel the need to drink water or other fluids, especially in warm weather and while exercising. In fact, it is considered a healthy practice to drink water even when you are not thirsty or more than until your thirst no more. Around 8 - 10 glasses of water is what is the minimum requirement which must be met daily. Preventing dehydration becomes more important under certain circumstances such as those of illnesses, workouts and environment.

If you are suffering from any kind of ailment, oral rehydration solution is considered to be the best method to prevent dehydration. Coming to exercise, start off with hydrating yourself a day before any strenuous exercise. If you are going to take part in marathon and other similar endurance sports, gulping 2 cups of water is good enough to prevent dehydration. The same goes for shorter bouts of exercise. Do not forget to replenish fluids at regular intervals during workouts and more importantly after you are done. An important point to take a note of is about drinking more fluids than you lose through sweating. So, do not overdo the need to drink water as it may cause bloating and discomfort and other fatal condition such as hyponatremia (abnormally low level of sodium in the blood).

Now we come to the point where we would discuss about preventing dehydration according to changing weather or environment. Perspiration occurs more in hot and humid weather, as the body temperature goes high. So, in this case you need to drink additional water to replace the lost fluids and prevent dehydration. Having said that, most people might suppose that dehydration is not associated with winter. But, it does. Wearing insulated clothing also results in a substantial loss of bodily fluids through sweating. To add to this, an indoor which is heated may cause the skin to lose moisture, thereby increasing the demand to replenish fluids. So, even in winters, you require to drink additional water.

To conclude, one easy way for preventing dehydration in children and adults, is to keep up with the '8x8 rule'. Meaning, one should drink 8 ounces of water daily. Although, this method is not supported by scientific evidence, it is considered as an easy rule to remember for most people.

Facts about Dehydration

Facts about Dehydration
Dehydration is the deficiency of water, caused by excess loss of the same, due to a number of varied factors. It can be easily controlled by sufficient intake of water, though sometimes it can lead to severe conditions. Learn more facts about dehydration...

Dehydration generally signifies the excess loss or deficiency of water in the body. It refers to deficiency of water in relation to other dissolved solutes. Along with water, several vital minerals called electrolytes are also lost when one is dehydrated. Water accounts for almost 2/3rd of the total body weight and is present both within the cells as well as in the intracellular spaces. Dehydration is a condition when the level of water in the body gets reduced below the level required for carrying out vital activities within the body. It occurs due to loss of water in greater amount than its intake. A considerable amount of water is lost from our bodies daily, due to activities like breathing, sweating and urination. So, we need to drink plenty of water in order to compensate for this loss and thereby prevent dehydration.

Dehydration is easily recognized by symptoms like thirst and reduction in the volume of urine or discharge of dark yellow colored urine. It also produces some other symptoms, such as dry mouth, headache, dizziness, sunken eyes, lethargy, increased heart rate and irritability. In addition to these, in infants, a sunken fontanel (soft spot on the head) can be an important indicator of dehydration. In severe cases, due to poor supply of blood to the brain and other parts of the body, confusion and weakness may occur. If remained untreated, it can lead to coma and organ failure.

There are a wide range of factors including many diseases, that can cause dehydration. Diarrhea is one of the most important causes leading to dehydration. In diarrhea, dehydration results from frequent discharge of loose or liquid feces. Dehydration resulting from diarrhea is the second most common cause of infant deaths throughout the world.

Sweating is a mechanism of cooling down the body and thereby maintaining body temperature. But it also involves significant loss of water from the body and hence can be a cause of dehydration. Vomiting, the expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth can lead to excess loss of water. Besides, victims of severe burns may also experience dehydration due to loss of fluids. .

In addition to all these, diseases like cholera, gastroenteritis, shigellosis and yellow fever can also cause dehydration. Large amounts of water are drained out of the body while exercising, playing sports and performing any other kind of strenuous activity, therefore the water or fluid balance of the body has to be maintained, to prevent dehydration.

Treatment and Prevention
Dehydration can be easily prevented as well as treated by replenishing the loss of fluid with adequate intake of water. The greater the amount of water lost from the body, the greater should the intake be. Besides water, one can also take rehydration fluids or solutions, especially in case of dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting. This will not only compensate the loss of water, but also the loss of important nutrients. Though dehydration can be easily treated with oral rehydration, sometimes intravenous administration of fluid may also be required, depending on the severity of the condition.

Dehydration, if neglected can lead to serious conditions, especially among infants and young children suffering from diarrhea. One needs to be more careful about babies and children as they tend to get easily dehydrated. An important indicator of dehydration is the frequency of urination and the nature of urine discharged. If the urine is dark yellow in color, along with a reduced frequency and volume of urine, then it can be an indicator of deficiency of water in the body. Whenever these signs are detected, body fluid should be immediately replenished by drinking water and other fluids containing important electrolytes like potassium and sodium.


Dandruff has become a bigger social villain than body odor and bad breath. Everyone suffers from it but with different degrees of intensity.

Dandruff is one of the great levelers of life. It knows no class, creed or race. It affects everyone but not in equal measure. Some people have a very minute quantity of dandruff, while others spend their lifetimes trying to get rid of it. Dandruff has given rise to a whole multi-million dollar cleansing shampoo industry. Companies such as Unilever and P & G have spent millions of dollars in research and development to try to find an everlasting dandruff eradicator. Consumers keep on oscillating between products available in stores to various home remedies but at most both can provide temporary relief. There are several misconceptions regarding dandruff and unfortunately most people base their treatments on them.

Dandruff is the dry, white or grayish substance that appears in patches on the top of the head. They appear in the form of scales. Dandruff occurs when the scalp sheds dead epidermal (skin) cells in large clumps. Scalp cells replenish themselves in a pattern similar to that of hair, but more rapidly: The skin of the head renews itself about once a month. Dead scalp cells are constantly being pushed from the deepest layer of the epidermis to the skin's surface, where they gradually die. Usually the scalp sheds them in a nearly invisible way. But for reasons that are still unclear, cell turnover sometimes becomes unusually rapid, and dead cells are shed as the visible flakes called dandruff. This dandruff then falls on the shoulder and becomes visible to someone standing close by. Persons suffering from prolonged dandruff are said to have a dandruff ailment.

Dandruff is caused by a micro-organism called Pityrosporum-Ovale (now renamed Malassezia furfur), which are present in every body's scalp. The fungus is found naturally on the skin surface of both healthy people and those with dandruff. The fungus likes fat, and is consequently found most on skin areas with plenty of sebaceous glands: on the scalp, face and upper part of the body. Symptoms of dandruff manifest itself when exposed to dust; UV light, harsh chemical based shampoo, hair dyes etc. This results in the increase of the number of microbes, which causes unhealthy residue over the scalp, which leads to dandruff, which is the cause of unhealthy scalp results in unhealthy, lifeless hair and may also result in excessive loss of hair. But dandruff should not be mistaken for other more harmful conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. These conditions cause itching and redness accompanied by dandruff. They can also lead to eczema.

People with oily scalps tend to suffer most from dandruff because an oily scalp supports the growth of yeast, which is crucial to the generation of scales. Causes of excessive dandruff could vary from hereditary reasons to tension and anxiety. Excessive usage of hairsprays, improper electric hair curlers, tight fitting hats and cold weather are the other known causes.

There are essentially two types of remedies for dandruff. A mild shampoo that contains a cytostatic agent, such as selenium sulfide or zinc pyrithione must be used. Cytostatic agents reduce the rate of growth and multiplication of cells on the top layer of skin on the scalp, which causes a noticeable decrease in visible dandruff within several weeks. Shampoos are to be avoided if there is a cut in the scalp. Nizoral is the only shampoo containing a patented active ingredient known as ketoconazole this ingredient is medically proven to be effective against Malassezia furfur. It has been recommended by doctors and pharmacists all over the world. If the dandruff is caused due to a nutrition deficiency then he/she must incorporate vitamins B6, B12, F and selenium in their diet.

There are a host of homemade treatments that can be recommended. Garlic and oil of oregano are excellent anti-dandruff agents. A fresh onion that is cut and applied to the scalp or the pouring of apple cider vinegar help in alleviating the condition by cleansing the scalp. Both of them have well-known antiseptic properties. Alternating hot and cold water on the head increases circulation to the scalp. Yoga headstands are also popular. But it is important to remember that dandruff cannot be eliminated; it can only be controlled.

Dandruff Home Remedy

Dandruff Home Remedy
We've all experienced dandruff at some point in our lives. For some, it has been temporary, while for others it has become a permanent problem. We've also tried all the products in the market, yet we are unable to find a solution to the dandruff problem. Try out these simple and natural home remedies for a change and see the difference.

Caused by a fungus called pityrosporum ovale, dandruff is an itchy scalp disorder. This fungus makes the scalp dry and itchy, causing it to flake. The skin in a normal scalp tends to flake as a part of the new skin cell development process. However, excessive flaking is termed as dandruff, and is unnatural. Dandruff, if untreated, may spread to the eyebrows, ears and at the back of the neck. Dandruff can also be a symptom of severe skin disorders such as psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis. If detected at the right time, a good home remedy for dandruff can solve the persistent itch and flaking of the scalp.

Why You May Have Dandruff

An itchy scalp affected by dandruff can have several causes. The most common ones have been enlisted below:
Dandruff may also be caused by an over-secretion of the sebaceous glands, or the natural oil producing glands in the scalp.
External conditions such as excessive heat or cold also tend to dry the scalp, making it more susceptible to dandruff.
Overuse of products such as hair styling gels and sprays, regular blow drying, hair straightening or curling, are all factors that contribute to the growth of dandruff.
Sometimes, imbalance in the hormones or hormonal changes are responsible for dandruff.
It may come as a surprise to some, but even stress causes dandruff, as it increases the production by the oil glands in the scalp.
A diet full of oily and fried foods, and the common habit of not drinking enough water, serve to increase one's susceptibility to dandruff.
You may want to use these causes as a warning and prevent the problem itself, rather than opting for innumerable treatment options and perhaps, failing at them. However, those who are already suffering from this condition, do not be disheartened. Here are some proven, effective, and inexpensive dandruff remedies for you.

Home Remedies for Dandruff

There are a myriad of natural remedies for dandruff. Chemicals in anti-dandruff shampoos have been found to be very harsh on the hair, to the extent of causing excessive dryness, making the hair weak and brittle, and even resulting in premature graying. Natural remedies are therefore suggested, as they are not only good to the hair in that they help the hair gain back its lustrous sheen, but actually help in controlling the condition.

Remedy #1: Application of aloe vera gel on the scalp, ten minutes before shampooing hair, is the simplest home remedy for dandruff.

Remedy #2: Massage on to the scalp, three tablespoons of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of apple juice. Allow it to remain for half an hour before you rinse it off.

Remedy #3: Another effective remedy for dandruff is to mix one tablespoon of olive oil with one one teaspoon of lemon juice. Overnight application followed by hair wash with a mild shampoo will definitely destroy the dandruff in the scalp.

Remedy #5: Mix together equal amounts of olive oil and almond oil. Apply on the scalp until it starts to burn. Once the burning sensation is experienced, wait for five minutes and wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

Remedy #6: Crushing 2 aspirin and mixing them with the regular amount of shampoo used has been found to be a very effective method of curing the dandruff problem. This mixture is to be left on the hair for 1-2 minutes before rinsing. However, do ensure that all the shampoo and the aspirin mixed with it has left the hair before drying it.

Remedy #7: Massage into the scalp either warm coconut oil, margosa oil or castor oil. This should be done slowly in a gentle circular motion. Leave it overnight and wash it off the next day, preferably with a margosa based shampoo for better results.

Remedy #8: A solution of rosemary leaves soaked overnight in 1 liter of boiled water, and applied after shampooing, works well as a natural dandruff remedy.

Remedy #9: Using the paste of raw onions has also proven to be useful in curing dandruff. The paste is to be applied on the scalp and left on for half an hour, followed by a hair wash. Rubbing lemon into the scalp and rinsing it after the hair wash will help get rid of the smell of onions.

Remedy #10: Boil an entire white beet root in water. Massage this water into the scalp, every night before sleeping and wash it off the next morning. This is another good natural remedy to cure dandruff.

Used regularly, these treatment methods will definitely absolve you of dandruff and other associated conditions. Not only that, these natural ingredients will give your hair the ultimate title of 'crowning glory'.

Preventing Dandruff from Returning

Dandruff can be prevented if we follow these simple steps.
It is important to keep the hair and scalp clean so as to minimize the accumulation of dead cells. This can be done by washing hair regularly.
While taking a hair wash, rinse your hair thoroughly to ensure that the shampoo and conditioner leaves the hair. Remnants of these products tend to aggravate dandruff.
Massaging the scalp daily, not necessarily with oil or any other product, will ensure sufficient blood circulation to the scalp and help prevent dandruff.
The hair brush that you use should be cleaned daily. If possible, do not share your hair brush or comb with anyone else, as dandruff may be passed on in this manner too.
Try to avoid the use of hair colors, sprays and other hair products when undergoing treatment for dandruff.
Avoid using harsh shampoos that will cause the scalp to dry up and flake.
Lastly, ensure consumption of healthy greens, and foods rich in proteins and iron. Also, drinking enough water helps to cleanse the system and eliminate the root cause of dandruff.
Keep in mind that in order for these methods to work, you have to perform them regularly for a good amount of time. Don't lose patience and once the dandruff has gone, ensure that you maintain it that way. Dandruff can be embarrassing, and more annoying because of the constant itch and snowfall on your shoulders. So use these preventive methods and treatments to save yourself the embarrassment.

Disclaimer: This  article is for informational purposes only, and does not in any way, intend to replace the advice of an expert. If a dandruff problem persists, consult a dermatologist to treat it.

Chrome Disease

Chrome Disease
Chrome disease, which is also known as Crohn's disease, is a disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract of an individual. In this article we will discuss about what is Chrome disease, along with the symptoms, treatment and Chrome disease diet to be followed by an affected individual...

The gastrointestinal tract is a long passage that begins at the mouth or oral cavity and ends in the anus. This tract is a part of the digestive system, which also consists of organs like the stomach, spleen, pancreas etc. The main function of this vital system is digestion and assimilation of food. Since the food that we eat may sometimes be contaminated, it can lead to a number of disorders in the digestive system. One such disorder that affects the gastrointestinal tract that results in its inflammation is Crohn's disease, which is also known as Chrome disease. Crohn's disease is named in honor of the renowned gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn, an American who was the first to come across this disease in patients. This health disorder can be quite painful and can cause a hindrance to one's routine activity. Sometimes the pain is so excruciating that the person may be unable to even move.

Chrome disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which affects the intestines, particularly the small intestines. This disease is also known by various other names like ileitis, granulomatous colitis or enteritis and regional enteritis. This chronic disorder is similar to an inflammatory disease of the colon (or the large intestine) which is called ulcerative colitis. The main cause of this intestinal problem is the fact that the inner lining of the intestine ruptures. Though this disease is particularly known to affect the intestines, it can also affect the mouth and other parts of the human digestive system. Let us discuss about the symptoms cautions and treatments available for Chrome disease.

Symptoms of Chrome Disease

Observing Chrome disease symptoms will help detect the severity and spread of this health disorder. The signs of this disease may range from mild to intense and can also affect a person without any warning. There are also certain phases, where this disease may go into remission, where no symptoms are exhibited. The symptoms, that are given below, can be noticed only when the disease is in active phase.
One of the primary symptoms of this chronic intestinal disease is severe abdominal pain, specially in the lower abdominal region, accompanied by cramping. The individual may also experience a feeling of fullness or bloating sensation due to the swelling of the intestines.
Ulcers in the mouth, similar to canker sores may also develop. The reason for the eruption of mouth sores may be because the ulcers in the intestine may have spread to the oral cavity.
Blood In stool is also one of the symptoms of Crohn's disease. Due to internal bleeding from the intestines the person may notice bloody or tarry stools.
Other symptoms that can be observed in a patient suffering from Crohn's disease are loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, persistent fever, fatigue and skin disorders, that may take a longer time to heal.
Chrome Disease Treatment

Unfortunately, there is no remedial treatment for Chrome disease as yet. The treatment provided for this disease can help bring down the inflammation and reduce the severity of this disorder. After conducting the diagnostic tests related to this illness, the doctor may prescribe medications like antibiotics, to treat the fistulas in the intestine, anti inflammatory drugs to reduce the inflammation, and immunosuppressant drugs to reduce the response of the immune system to Crohn's disease. Sometimes internal bleeding in the intestines may result in anemia. So in order to fight against this health disorder, iron supplements may be prescribed. The doctor may also chalk out a Crohn's disease diet plan for the patient to follow, that is easily digested by the body. Following this medication and diet regimen will help individuals with Chrome disease lead a near normal life.

This was all about Chrome disease. Following a regular Crohn's diet plan will help reduce the severity of this disorder. To maintain a proper digestive health, following a proper diet plan, a routine exercise regimen and staying away from alcohol and other vices is essential. Eat nutritious to stay healthy. Take care!

Crohn's Disease Diet

Crohn's Disease Diet
Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disorder, causes abdominal pain and severe diarrhea. It's treatment options include medications and surgery. However, certain changes in diet and lifestyle can help in managing the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Here is some useful information about Crohn’s disease diet.

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease of the digestive system, which can affect any part of the digestive system, from mouth to anus. The exact cause of Crohn’s disease is not known. Some possible causes of Crohn’s disease are certain viral or bacterial infection, heredity, family history and ethnicity. Smoking and use of isotretinoin (used to treat acne scars) can increase the risk of Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease causes the erosions on the inner surface of bowel. These erosions eventually become larger, causing scarring of the bowel. It can lead to narrowing and obstruction of the small intestine.

Crohn’s disease causes symptoms such as diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, abdominal pain and cramps, presence of blood in stool, loss of appetite and weight loss. Treatment of Crohn’s disease is aimed at reducing inflammation of digestive tract. Various options for the treatment of Crohn’s disease are medications such as anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, antibiotics, anti-diarrheals, laxatives and pain relievers and surgery to remove a damaged portion or scar tissue. However, there are some alternative treatment options such as certain changes in the lifestyle, diet and herbal and nutritional supplements. Dietary changes can definitely help in reducing the symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Let’s understand in detail about Crohn’s disease diet.

Crohn’s Disease Diet

Diet plays an important role in maintaining your overall health. Crohn’s disease diet plan is helpful for relieving the inflammatory symptoms. Since Crohn’s diet can cause loss of appetite and poor absorption of vitamins and minerals, it is very important to maintain a nutritious, healthy diet. Your diet should contain adequate amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, calories and other essential nutrients. Include chicken, lean meats, fish, eggs, peanut butter, tofu and cheese in your diet, which are the rich sources of proteins. If you have lactose intolerance, you can have hard cheeses and yogurt. Soy products such as soy yogurt and soymilk can be a good substitute for milk.

A low-fiber and low-residue diet is recommended in Crohn’s disease diet plan. It can help in relieving the symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps. This diet can also decrease the frequency of bowel movement.

Due to dietary limitations and reduced ability of small intestine to absorb nutrients, you may suffer from a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients. Therefore, multivitamin and mineral supplements are recommended for people with Crohn's disease. Vitamin supplements including vitamin B-12, vitamin D and folic acid and mineral supplements including iron and calcium are recommended.

In addition, you should consume adequate amount of fluids in order to keep your body hydrated. Crohn’s disease causes diarrhea and intestinal inflammation, which leads to fluid loss and dehydration. Many health professionals recommend daily intake of at least eight glasses of water.

During a flare-up of Crohn’s disease, it is very important to maintain proper nourishment by following Crohn’s disease diet plan. You should have six small meals rather than three large meals. It will facilitate normal digestion and absorption of food.

Foods to Avoid

Certain foods can aggravate the signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Hence, you should try to eliminate these foods from your diet. Your diet should contain limited amount of dairy products such as milk and cheese. Some people have lactose intolerance and they can’t digest lactose present in dairy foods. But when you limit the intake of dairy products, you should take some calcium supplements in order to avoid calcium deficiency.

Foods such as spicy foods, broccoli, cabbage, beans, citrus fruits and raw fruit juices and beverages such as alcoholic drinks and caffeinated beverages can aggravate the symptoms. Try to eliminate these foods from your diet.

If Crohn’s disease affects small intestine, then it causes difficulty in digestion and absorption of fats. This can worsen your diarrhea. Therefore, you need to avoid high-fat foods such as butter, mayonnaise, margarine, cream, avocados, fried foods and red meat.

High-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains are considered beneficial for digestive health. But, in case of inflammatory bowel disease, high-fiber foods may worsen the symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. However, baking, steaming or stewing of vegetables can make them easily digestible.

Dietary changes balanced with regular exercises and healthy lifestyle prove beneficial in reducing the painful symptoms of Crohn’s disease and maintaining your digestive health.

Crohn's Disease - Symptoms, Cautions and Treatments Available

Crohn's Disease - Symptoms, Cautions and Treatments Available
Around 1,000,000 people all over the world suffer from Crohn's disease every year. Crohn's diease is one of the most irritating chronic diseases.

What is Crohn’s Disease?
Crohn’s disease is a painful and recurrent, chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects Ileum (last part of the small bowel: ileitis and enteritis) and/or Colon structures in the intestinal tract. Crohn’s disease starts with small and burning ulcers that slowly lead to highly ulcerated walls of bowel. The walls of the bowel start thickening which results in narrowing of the bowel making it difficult for the bowel to perform its functions properly.

If not taken care in its early stages, this disease may spread to the other parts of bowel. The inflammation can grow and spread out in the areas like duodenum or stomach. It also can cause arthritis in the patient, some types of liver and kidney disease and also types of spondylitis (generally ankylosing spondylitis). As the disease is mainly characterized by inflammatory ulcers, it also can cause diseases of skins and all the openings of the body like eyes, anus and vagina etc.
Crohn’s disease can be classified in the following types:
Crohn’s ileitis
Crohn’s colitis also known as colonic Crohn’s disease
Ileocolic Crohn’s disease
Peri-anal Crohn’s disease
What causes Crohn’s Disease?
Although the origin of this disease is not known, many doctors relate this disease with the bacteria that grow in the gut may. Not all the bacteria help in growth of this disease, but few bacteria causing inflammation are thought to be among the main players. This disease is also thought to be hereditary as people in the same family are found to be suffering from this irritating disease.

Few studies also show that the Crohn’s disease is caused due to the internal problems of the body and our immune system also play an important role in inducing the inflammatory condition of the colon, intestines, small bowel etc.

People of all ages and sexes can develop Crohn’s disease. A study shows that the Crohn’s disease is basically widespread in people with fair complexion. Even when the disease does not differentiate between children, teens or old age people, it is evident that most of the patients of this disease are young generation people.

One of the most important factors that can cause Crohn’s disease or help in spread of the same is lack of nutritional diet intake and insufficient or improper diet routine.

What are the symptoms of Crohn’s Disease?
People who suffer from Crohn’s disease experience various symptoms like:
Severe and recurrent pain in the infected area of the intestinal tract and also in abdominal area.
Patient’s suffer from frequent attacks of diarrhea that contains blood
Patient can also experience fever
Due to the problems with intestinal track, patient’s digestive system also gets affected and they fail to digest the food. This situation leads to malnutrition of the patient.
Children who suffer from the Crohn’s disease may face a problem of slow physical growth as the digestive system is the main target of this disease and they also suffer from mental frustration because of the ruthless disease which needs the patient to be hospitalized often.
Patient’s also experience conditions like nausea, weakness and weight loss due to ongoing fatigue and drainage of energy in the body.
Patient’s also experience formulation of fistula (i.e. draining sinus tract) to various parts of body like skin, anal area and vaginal area etc. The fistula causes urinary infections in patient.
The worst experience of patient’s is of inflammation in the affected part of body.
In rare cases, the ulcers in the intestinal tract also bleed.
How Crohn’s disease is diagnosed?
Although there are many tests available, not even a single diagnostic test alone can confirm fully to the existence of Crohn’s disease, which makes it necessary for the doctors to rely on integrated results of several such tests.
As already mentioned above, it has been found that the disease exhibit hereditary linkage, your health and family history related information can surely help your doctor in coming to a conclusion. Your doctor may conduct a blood test in order to check various blood related problems such as anemia, deficiency of various important vitamins and minerals in blood due to the loss caused by Crohn’s disease, direct visualization of the colon, and terminal ileum from the intestinal tract (this test involves samples of tissues from the affected area for biopsy), CT Scan (which is used to understand the overall condition and the complications that may occur due to the spread of disease from infected area to the surrounding area), Barium-Follow Through test (which is carried out in order to compliment the colonoscopy tests by allowing visualization of small intestinal area) and MRI scan. Your doctor may also decide to take help of advanced technology in order to insert a capsule shaped micro device with a camera in your intestine in order to capture real time images of your gastrointestinal tract.

Along with the various diagnosis tests mentioned above, there are several other tests available which help in confirming the disease.

What treatment options are available for Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease is a very painful yet curable disease that requires patient to pay 100% attention towards his/her health and understand the importance of healthy and proper diet. After studying your condition, your doctor might suggest you treatments such as medications (anti-inflammatory drugs, Immune System Suppressers, steroids, antibiotics etc.), surgery (which involves surgery on the infected areas) etc.

As already mentioned above, it is very important that patient should take care of his/her health, follow nutritional diet and avoid any irregular habits that trigger problems like Crohn’s disease.

How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap

How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap
If you wish to know how to get rid of cradle cap, then here is an article for your reference. The symptoms of this condition have also been provided, along with causes of this condition.

What is cradle cap? One of the common medical conditions which occurs in infancy, is what is known as cradle cap. It is characterized by the formation of oily, scaly patches on the baby's scalp. This condition has another name to it - 'infantile seborrheic dermatitis'. Although the symptoms may seem intimidating for parents, the condition is not a serious one. Cradle cap is known to be a self-resolving infantile medical condition, which disappears within a few months. Simple measures, when taken at home, can help improve the symptoms. If the symptoms seem persisting, then parents may be recommended to use medicated shampoos or lotion. Let us know more about the symptoms and factors causing the condition, before we learn about how to get rid of cradle cap.

Symptoms of Cradle Cap in Toddlers and Infants

Cradle cap in infants manifests itself in the form of buildup of sticky skin oils, patchy scaling and formation of thick crusts on the scalp. The oily skin may be covered with scales which may be white and flaky. Dandruff can also be present and this might be accompanied by redness, and sloughed skin cells. Apart from the scalp of the baby, such scales may also be present on other parts of the body, such as, the eyelids, ears, nose and groin area. One thing that is noticeable is, itching is not a symptom of this condition. And that is the reason why, all such symptoms do not bother most babies. Also, it does not spread from one baby to another.

Causes of Cradle Cap in Toddlers and Infants

Experts have not been able to deduce, yet, as to what causes cradle cap. However, they regard hormones to be one of the contributing factors to this scalp problem. These hormones may pass from the mother to the baby. Another assumption is related to an yeast infection.

How to Get Rid of Cradle Cap in Infants

As I have mentioned already, cradle cap treatment for babies is usually not necessary, as the condition resolves on its own. That means, doing nothing is the treatment. However, parents can still benefit from some cradle cap remedies at home, which would help in causing the symptoms to disappear faster. This would include washing the baby's hair, using a mild shampoo and a soft brush, once a day. The brush is to loosen the scales. Do not forget to rinse well and towel dry the head.

Rubbing the baby's head with baby oil or mineral oil, also helps in loosening scales. If all these do not produce any results, then get your baby a medicated shampoo after consulting a pediatrician. Such shampoos normally contain agents which help in dissolving the scales and smoothening the skin. The doctor may recommend the use of hydrocortisone to deal with the redness and inflammation.

Here is how to get rid of cradle cap, by following these easy steps using the above stuffs.
First you would have to massage the baby's head with the baby oil. Do this for 10 - 15 minutes. This, as mentioned above, helps loosen the scales and flakes.
Now using a new, soft-bristled brush, gently rub the flakes and scales away. It is better if you wet the baby's scalp before you begining brushing.
Once done with the brushing, you have to now wash the baby's head using a mild shampoo and rinse well. Dry the scalp gently.
These steps are generally good enough to know about how to get rid of cradle cap. But, if they are not helping, then it may be a good time to visit the baby's pediatrician. Experts recommend washing the baby's hair every few days, and using a mild shampoo. In most cases, it helps in preventing the condition.

Cradle Cap Remedies

Cradle Cap Remedies
Parents should know that cradle cap isn't a serious matter and a few months is what is needed for it to get resolved on its own. Nevertheless, here are some cradle cap remedies which can be followed to manage the symptoms of the condition.

Clinically known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis, cradle cap happens to be one of the most commonly occurring health issues for newborns and young babies. This disease is characterized by scaly patches on the baby's scalp. Cradle cap is one of those medical conditions whose definite causes have not been identified yet. However, doctors assume that the hormones which pass on from the mother to the child may be one contributing cause of cradle cap. These hormones are responsible for causing abnormal production of oil in the oil glands and hair follicles of the baby. An yeast (fungus) called malassezia is also considered as a responsible factor for causing this illness. What are the available options for cradle cap remedies and what are its characteristic symptoms? Know as you read on...

Cradle Cap Symptoms

There are not many cradle cap symptoms, expect for patchy scaling or thick crusts on the baby's scalp and skin flakes or dandruff. Parents might also watch out for greasy skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales and mild reddening of the affected area. The baby's ears, eyelids, nose and groin might be the other places which may bear similar scales. Mostly, the affected babies are not really bothered by all such symptoms. The disease is not contagious and do not cause any itching in the infants, in most cases.

Cradle Cap Treatment and Remedy

As aforesaid, your baby will be cured of cradle cap without any kind of treatment. However, to speed up the recovery time, you can have your baby's hair shampooed once a day. Use shampoos which have been especially made for babies and are mild by nature. Brushing the scalp with a soft brush helps loosen the scales. If shampooing does not show any improvements, then you might need to visit a pediatrician. He/she might prescribe a stronger shampoo which probably, is used for adults. Redness and inflammation can be reduced by a daily massage of the baby's head with hydrocortisone cream.

Home Remedy for Cradle Cap

Use of lavender oil is one of the effective cradle cap remedies. Gently rub the oil over your baby's scalp and let the oil stay overnight. The next morning, get your baby's scalp washed with a mild shampoo. If you still notice any oil flakes, then repeat the process.

Before you take your baby for a bath, you can rub some warm baby oil on his or her scalp. The warm oil will help loosen and soften the skin of the scalp. After sometime, brush to loosen the patches and thereafter, wash the baby's scalp and rinse.

Cradle cap remedies also vouch for the benefits of witch hazel. This shrub extract is available at any local drug store. Make a dilute solution of witch hazel with some warm water and dab your baby's scalp using a cotton ball swab with the solution several times a day.

Common and natural cradle cap remedies also include the use of virgin olive oil and tea tree oil. Make a mix of the two oils and dip a cotton ball in it and dab the affected areas of the baby's scalp. Before shampooing, loosen the scaly areas using a soft brush. After rinsing, ensure that your baby's head is dried well.

Apart from all the above cradle cap remedies, nursing mothers must add foods rich in biotin, in their diet. Biotin is known as an effective treatment for cradle cap and it is found abundantly in foods such as eggs, greens, cereals, liver, nuts and milk.

Generally, cradle cap remedies which are followed at home are good enough to take care of the condition. However, if parents notice that the patches are spreading to the baby's face or other parts of the body, then this would be the time when they must not hesitate in seeking medical advice and help.

Congestive Heart Failure

Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure is a condition wherein the heart loses its capacity to pump enough blood, which leads to retention of fluid in the body.

Congestive heart failure, or CHF, which is also referred to as congestive cardiac failure, or CCF, or simply heart failure, is a medical problem wherein the heart loses its ability to fill with or pump adequate amounts of blood to the various parts of the body as well as the organs, which leads fluid retention in the body. This condition occurs due to various factors, such as:
The narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart muscle with blood, known as coronary artery disease
Myocardial infarction, wherein there is scar tissue, which hinders the normal working of the heart muscle
Impairment of the heart valve because of rheumatic fever in the past, or other reasons
Congenital defects of the heart
High blood pressure
Cardiomyopathy, which is a disorder of the heart muscle or myocardium, generally of unknown causes
Endocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart valves and the endocardium
Myocarditis, which is the inflammation of the muscular tissue of the heart, or myocardium
The impaired heart continues to work, but cannot do so as efficiently as it does normally. Those who are affected with congestive heart failure lose their ability to exert themselves as they tire fast and become short of breath.

What are the Effects of Congestive Heart Failure?

As there is a slowing down of the blood flowing from the heart, the blood that returns to the heart via the veins begins backing up, resulting in the tissues becoming congested. Often, this results in edema, or swelling, usually in the ankles and legs, although it can also affect other areas of the body as well as organs. For instance, the impaired heart muscles may be incapable of supplying the kidneys with enough blood, resulting in them losing the ability to excrete water and sodium, which in turn causes increased fluid retention in the body. There is also a build up of fluid in the lungs, known as pulmonary edema, which results in breath shortness, hence diminishing the individual’s exercise capacity. Likewise, fluids may get accumulated in the liver, because of which it loses its ability to get rid of toxins from the body as well as make essential proteins. Fluid retention also affects the intestines, which lose their ability to absorb nutrients as well as medications efficiently. If left untreated, eventually congestive heart failure can affect almost every organ.

As a matter of fact, congestive heart failure is one of the leading causes of people above the age of 65 getting hospitalized. There is a 10 percent mortality rate annually, even with the best of treatments. In addition, the condition often goes undiagnosed because of difficulties in diagnosing it, especially at its initial stages or when it occurs in its mild form.

What are the Signs of Congestive Heart Failure?

One of the earliest signs of congestive heart failure is fatigue, accompanied by the affected person’s diminished capacity to exercise. In fact, most people don’t even realize this reduction, with them usually compensating subconsciously by reducing their activities in order to adapt to this limitation.

With the body becoming congested with fluid, and the lungs becoming affected, resulting in shortness of breath, which impairs the ability to exercise and also when lying down flat. Sometimes, the affected person may wake up at night gasping for breath. Some even have to sleep sitting in an upright position. The excessive fluid in the body also results in an increase in urination, especially at night. When the fluids accumulate in the intestines and liver, it may result in a decrease in the appetite, pain in the abdomen, and nausea.

How can Congestive Heart Failure be Treated?

The treatment for congestive hear failure usually includes: rest; correct diet; a modification in daily activities; as well as drugs like angiotensin-converting enzyme, or ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, vasodilators, digitalis, and diuretics.

Vasodilators and ACE inhibitors help to expand the blood vessels as well as decrease the resistance of the blood flow in them. This enables the easier flow of blood, easing the working of the heart, thus making it more efficient. Digitalis is a powerful heart stimulant. Beta blockers improves the pumping of the left ventricle of the heart. And, diuretics help in eliminating the excess fluid and salt in the body.

Sometimes, when a specific cause is identified, treating that or correcting it can alleviate congestive heart failure. For instance, sometimes treating high blood pressure can ease congestive heart failure, or if an abnormal heart valve is found to be the cause, surgically replacing it can ease the condition.

A more drastic step, like a heart transplant, has to be taken in case of the heart becoming so damaged that repairing it becomes impossible.

Usually, people affected with moderate or mild congestive heart failure have the ability to be treated. With good medical supervision, these people can lead more or less normal lives, without needing them to become invalids.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Colon Cancer Symptoms in Young Adults
Dietary factors and family history of colon cancer are some of the precursors of colon cancer in young adults. Some of the symptoms of colon cancer are blood in stool and change in bowel habits. To know more, read on...

Statistics in the United States indicate that almost 150,000 people each year are diagnosed with colon cancer which is also known as colorectal or bowel cancer. Survival rate is less and this is mostly attributed to late detection of the cancer. People with inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis or those who have had polyps are at risk of developing colon cancer. It has been observed that almost all bowel cancers arise from the large bowel, specifically from the cells that line the bowel.

People with a family history of colon cancer need to do screening tests at regular intervals as there are very less conclusive symptoms of this cancer. Medical experts believe that dietary factors are the main cause of colon cancer followed by hereditary factors. In most cases of colon cancer, surgery is considered as the best option for treatment. It is advisable that you consult a physician if you suspect that you have symptoms of colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Symptoms and Signs

A large percentage of people with colon cancer are diagnosed after the cancer has spread to the adjoining tissue or organs. It is therefore important to identify symptoms that indicate colon cancer and undergo screening tests. Colon cancer symptoms in young adults are difficult to identify as they are common with other diseases and conditions. One of the earliest signs of colon cancer is bleeding through the rectum which is commonly mistaken for piles.

Individuals will also experience a change in bowel habits for no apparent reason if they have developed colon cancer. Diarrhea is a common symptom of colon cancer and people pass small caliber stool in this period. This will be accompanied by a feeling that you haven’t emptied the bowel and you will feel uncomfortable most times. In some cases people will also experience rectal pain, although this is rare.

It is also common to experience abdominal discomfort in the form of cramps and bloating, however this can be attributed to a plethora of other conditions. Constipation is another symptom that you need to watch out for, some people will also show signs of colonic obstruction, however this happens in the later stages. Abdominal distension where your belly sticks out without any weight gain is one of the visible signs of colon cancer.

Loss of weight is also associated with colon cancer and usually is the most ignored symptom of this type of cancer. People will also experience gas pains at regular intervals accompanied by loss of appetite. Another noticeable symptom of colon cancer in young adults is shortness of breath, but this is wrongly attributed to other conditions. Individuals will also develop iron deficiency and have a prevailing feeling of fatigue. Visible symptoms of anemia like lack in color of skin will also appear if you are affected by colon cancer.

Colon Cancer Treatment

Medical experts believe that surgery is the best option for treating patients with colon cancer. Surgeons will either remove a part of the colon or the full colon depending on the spread of the cancerous cells. Suggestive polyps may also be removed during surgery which is known as colonoscopy. In some cases radiation is used before surgery to try and prevent re-occurrence of the cancer.

Doctors will also use chemotherapy on patients whose cancer has spread to the nearby lymph nodes. Chemotherapy is also instrumental in increasing the survival rate of colon cancer patients and is also used as part of palliative care. Radiation therapy might be used to prolong the survival of patients who have undergone surgery for colon cancer.

Like for most other cancers, it is advisable to undergo screening tests for early detection as this is the key for effective treatment. If you have a history of cancer in your family doctors advise you to have routine checkups.

How Does Smoking Cause COPD
Studies over the years have found out that smoking is the leading cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). In this article, we will take a look at how does smoking cause COPD along with knowing the affect of smoking cessation.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of the leading causes of mortality in adults and as estimated 100,000 people die each year because of this condition. COPD is a progressive disease, that is, with time the disease progresses, and if left untreated, can cause serious conditions including death. Let us try and know how does smoking cause COPD.

COPD - A Combination of Bronchitis and Emphysema

COPD is a combination of chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by inflammation and swelling of lungs. The airways which connect the windpipe and lungs are clogged with thick mucus, known as phlegm. This condition is also marked with the damage of air sacs present at the tip of airways. This causes difficulty in the passage of air through lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.

Bronchitis is the first condition which leads to COPD, which is followed by emphysema. Bronchitis is caused due to prolonged exposure to pollutants, most commonly cigarette smoke. Continuous inhalation of pollutants causes inflammation of bronchi, and the human body retaliates by producing mucous or phlegm to block the entry of pollutants. This mucus gets deposited on the linings of airways, making it difficult for the lungs to get a continuous supply of oxygen. This leads to symptoms such as breathlessness and coughing. Some other symptoms of bronchitis are mild chest pain and intermittent cough.

Emphysema is a medical condition in which the elastic fibers which are used to move air in and out of lungs are damaged due to the chemicals in smoke. The blood vessels present on the lungs are responsible for absorbing the oxygen and then transferring it to the bloodstream through which it is transferred to the rest of the body. Pollutants in smoke damage the blood vessels and also alter the elastic fibers, thus making it difficult for the person to breathe normally. Some other symptoms of emphysema are frequent exertion, wheezing, tiredness, nausea, and headaches.

Smoking Cessation and COPD

According to doctors, smoking is one of the major factors that contributes in the development of COPD, so much that non-smokers have little or no risk of developing this disease. Cigarettes contain tobacco, a substance which is constituted by poisonous chemicals which get deposited on the airways and cause difficulty in breathing. The smoke that is inhaled by us causes the airways to produce mucus in higher quantities, putting a person at risk of bronchial infection. Substances like tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, which are present in tobacco aggravate bronchitis, and over a period of time, cause it to develop into COPD. The good news is that COPD does not worsen after one quits smoking. So, it is very important that smokers make an effort to quit smoking as soon as they can. COPD prognosis has shown that smoking cessation helps in improving COPD and increases the chances of survival. Smoking cessation also reduces the damage caused to lungs, and reduces the difficulty in breathing. It might be surprising for many but smoking is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases. According to the American Health Association, smokers are at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Women smokers who are on contraception are also at an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Researchers say that almost all smokers know the implications smoking has on their health, but it is difficult for them to give it up as they are addicted to it. Awareness about the ill-effects of smoking can educate a smoker, but it takes a lot of efforts to get rid of this addiction. There are several programs that can help one to quit smoking, including medications and therapies. It is very difficult to wake up one morning and decide that you are not going to smoke, instead you should take the help of a counselor who can help you in getting over this addiction gradually.

As mentioned before, smoking is the leading cause for COPD and the first step in the treatment of COPD is smoking cessation. Doctors who treat COPD focus their attention on helping the patient to quit smoking, because treatment would be ineffective if the patient continues to smoke. Antimicrobials like Ampicillin and Amoxicillin are usually prescribed to patients so that infection in blood or sputum is cured. Patients with COPD complain of difficulty in breathing, and this condition can be debilitating, so doctors may prescribe Bronchodilators to ease the breathing process. There are some other treatment options and your doctor would be in a better position to decide which drugs would be suitable for you.

Smoking has been the cause of many serious diseases and the best step forward is to take an initiative to quit smoking. Remember you were a non-smoker when you were born, and there is no reason why you cannot become one again. In the end, we hope that this article would have helped you find the answer on how does smoking cause heart disease.