Monday 15 August 2011

How to Treat Diverticulitis Naturally
Diverticulitis is a disease in which diverticula or small pouches present in colon become infected. Know how to treat diverticulitis naturally in this article.

Diverticula are small pouches present on the surface of the colon. They may be present elsewhere in the body, but when they are present in the digestive tract, the condition is called diverticulosis. These pouches often get irritated, inflamed and infected due to undigested food in the intestine. Diverticulitis can be extremely painful for the person. However, with the help of simple natural diverticulitis treatments, one can get rid of this condition forever. In this article, we have provided some tips on how to treat diverticulitis naturally.

Natural Treatment for Diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is more common in developed countries than in Asian or African countries. This fact can be attributed to a very high consumption of low fiber, refined foods in developed countries. On the other hand, people in Asian and African countries mostly rely on high fiber grains and vegetables. Apart from that modern lifestyle also contributes a great deal to diverticulitis. Given below are natural cures for diverticulitis.

Diet and Exercise
If you intend upon treating diverticulitis at home then your diet is the first thing you can start with. Get rid of all refined, processed foods in your kitchen. These foods take a very long time to digest. Thus, they sit in the intestine for long. As a result, they irritate and inflame the diverticula present in the intestines. Besides, some of this undigested food never gets out of intestine and starts decaying there. This increases possibility of infection to diverticula. Hence, eliminating such foods from your diet sure helps in treating this condition.

A diet rich in fibers aids in digestion. It also removes the undigested residue and regulates proper bowel movement. Make sure your diet comprises of at least 30 grams of fiber every day. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains are a great source of natural fiber. You can also take wheat or oat bran daily to relieve constipation and facilitate proper bowel movement. Also limit your intake of high protein meats, which are often the cause of constipation.

Another way of reducing the problem of diverticulitis is to opt for organic foods. These foods are in their most natural form, free from synthetic or chemical agents. Besides, increase your water intake to up to 8 to 10 glasses a day. Water is the best digestive aid, as it combines with fibers to form smooth stools.

Apart from diet, one must also focus on getting a daily workout to the body. Exercises help regulate the bowel movement removing the undigested food in the intestines. When you burn calories, your body is forced to utilize the stored food inside it. This frees the diverticula from undigested food. A regular 25 minute exercise routine is enough to get rid of this problem forever.

Natural Remedies for Diverticulitis
Other remedies include drinking buttermilk or eating plain yogurt which is a rich source of acidophilus bacteria. This bacteria effectively clears the infection of diverticula by restoring the balance of gut flora. Probiotic drinks are also helpful in resolving this problem. Herbal remedies for diverticulitis include barley grass juice, wild yams, garlic, alfalfa and Aloe Vera juice. Apart from that you should also take vitamin supplements such as B complex, vitamin C etc. Bleeding, cramping due to diverticulitis can be treated by drinking soothing herbal teas such as chamomile etc.

Diverticulitis can be very uncomfortable and painful. It can seriously affect the quality of life of a person and restrict his food choices. Hence, make sure you eat a balance diet and lead a healthy life to prevent this disease altogether. Hope this article on how to treat diverticulitis naturally was resourceful.

How to Prevent Diabetes
How to prevent diabetes? It is a very important question that needs to be addressed in today's day and age. With more and more people succumbing to diabetes, let's see how to prevent it. Read on.

These days, cases of diabetes are getting more and more common among the global population. Be it adults or children, no age group has kept itself safe from the insulin deficient monster. Hence, the best that can be done is to take active efforts to keep it at bay. One might find that a little difficult, considering that it is conquering the world. However, a little bit of effort to maintain the right lifestyle can help keep this lifestyle disease away.

How to Prevent Diabetes Naturally
There are several natural methods that one can opt for, to keep diabetes at bay. Read more on natural control of diabetes.
Maintain your weight at a healthy level. Be fit, not fat. Type 2 diabetes is mostly detected in people who are over weight. Keep track of your correct weight by height and maintain it.
Keep your diet low in fats and sugars. People who consume a lot of sugar and fat in their diet, even if they are not overweight, have a higher tendency to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Have a high fiber diet. A high fiber diet is effective at lowering the blood sugar levels. As such having a high fiber diet would help prevent diabetes.
Have more of a vegetable and less of a meat diet. Meat contains saturated fat which is also responsible for diabetes. Avoid red meat completely and keep the white meat to a minimum.
All these natural remedies can help answer the question how to prevent diabetes type 1 and 2, naturally! Read more on diabetes symptoms.

How to Prevent Diabetes in Children
A lot of children these days are being diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Earlier diabetes was a disease of the elderly, however, today, children seem to be taking it over. How do we go about preventing it? Read more on childhood diabetes symptoms.
Healthy food is imperative to prevent diabetes. Most children these days prefer to have junk food. Cultivate a habit in them to develop a taste for foods that are healthy.
Exercise is very important. Make sure that the child is a part of the school sports teams and gets regular physical exercise. Simply being thin is not being fit. The body has to work out the excessive energy to prevent fat conversion and diabetes.
Maintaining the correct body weight is very important for a healthy lifestyle. Most children these days, either eat too much of the wrong food and become overweight, or eat nothing to stay skinny and in tune with today's trend. Make sure that the children have a healthy body weight as per their height.
Let your child know all about diabetes. If it runs in the family, it is very important for the child to know how uncomfortable an illness it is. This way, he will, himself, make it a point to take efforts to prevent it for himself.
Keep a healthy lifestyle in the family. Yes, it is easy to shower the children with chocolates, but that has to be avoided. Support a healthy and happy lifestyle in the house, as a family, to prevent diabetes.
All these efforts may not work on preventing the disease in case it is genetic. However, they may delay it to a much later time. These efforts will help them cope with and manage the disease much better when they do encounter it. Read more on diabetes treatment.

How to Prevent Diabetes During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time when a woman is susceptible to almost anything. Getting diabetes during pregnancy can create a lot of complications for the delivery as well. So, here are methods to prevent the disease in such a delicate time. Read more on diabetes control diet.
Maintain a healthy diet and make sure you gain the amount of weight you are supposed to. This will give the body the required immune power and energy to prevent diseases. Keep your diet high in fiber and low in fats and sugar.
Exercise regularly for about 30 minutes. This will not only help prevent diabetes, but also help you stay fit and strong. Walking is the most preferred type of exercise during pregnancy.
Eat smaller portions of food. This way, you can eat more times a day. This will help your body to not feel the hunger pangs and stay satiated. This also helps prevent gestational diabetes. Read more on gestational diabetes diet plan.
Drink ample amounts of water. Water helps reduce the calorie count in the body and flushes out the toxins. Avoid soda or any aerated drinks, and opt for water if you have a choice.
All these steps will help you avoid diabetes, as well as have a very healthy pregnancy! Read more on diabetic diet.

Hope this article helped you answer the question, how to prevent diabetes. This is where I sign off!! All the best!

Is There a Cure for Diabetes
Millions of people around the world suffer from diabetes and ask is there a cure for diabetes, due to all the pain they have to go through? Along with the trouble, it also has to do with eating restrictions. Let’s find out, if there exists a cure for diabetes.

When a person suffers from diabetes, the person has high blood sugar levels. This can be due to one of the two reasons, either the body is not able to produce sufficient quantity of insulin or the body cells do not respond to insulin produced in the body. There are three main types of diabetes, namely type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin and it has to be injected into the body. On the other hand in type 2 diabetes, the body cells are insulin resistant, where the cells are unable to make use of insulin properly. Gestational diabetes can happen to pregnant women, who have never suffered from diabetes before. These women may have high blood glucose level during pregnancy. In some cases, gestational diabetes may proceed to become type 2 diabetes, however, it may not always be true. After reading on the basics of diabetes, is there a cure for diabetes is the question you have.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes is a chronic condition, which affects the way sugar is metabolized by the body. When a person suffers from type 2 diabetes, the body is resistant to the effects of insulin, or the body is unable to produce sufficient quantity of insulin to maintain normal glucose level.

Is there a cure for type 2 diabetes, may be the question you have. Sadly, you may not be able to cure it completely, but if you take certain measures against it, you will be able to keep it under control and avoid the complications, which come with this type of diabetes. There a few ways to take natural control of diabetes. Some of the herbs, which can be used to treat this kind of diabetes include ginseng, cinnamon, aloe vera, gymnema, fenugreek, etc. As a matter of fact, cinnamon and diabetes, go a long way. There are also certain minerals, that can also prove to useful to you in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. The minerals which can prove to be useful include vanadium, chromium, magnesium, zinc, etc. However, it is important to inform your physician about the alternative treatments you are undergoing, as they may have the tendency to interfere with the working of the drugs against the condition.

Along with these alternative therapies, you will also have to ensure, that you take other adequate measures required. The first most important point is to start eating healthy food and avoid junk food as far as possible. Junk food is often said to be responsible for this condition in the western world. Following the diabetic diet is recommended. Along with well balanced diet, you will also need a good exercise plan in place. It is extremely important, that you manage your weight well, so that you do not suffer from further complications. Walking exercise is said to be the best exercise for diabetes.

Is There a Cure for Diabetes Type 1

Type 1 diabetes is when the autoimmune system of the body destructs the insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas. This leads to increase in blood and urine glucose levels. This condition often has to be treated by administering insulin. The cause of this type of diabetes has not been diagnosed as yet and it is believed to be immunological. There are different therapies, that have come up to counter this form of diabetes. Pancreas transplantation is one of the option, however, this option is not to be recommended, if the condition is not a severe condition. The other method is the use of islet cell transplantation. These cells are transplanted in the liver as the production of insulin happens in the liver. If the condition is not severe you may want to control it with type 1 diabetes diet.

Now, to answer the question, is there a cure for diabetes, it is a yes and a no. The best is however, to ensure you take appropriate care, so that you do not suffer from the condition at all. Healthy diet and regular exercise is what will ensure, that you do not suffer from this condition at all. If you do suffer from diabetes, you will have to ensure you take appropriate measures to keep diabetes under control, as uncontrolled diabetes can lead to severe complications.

Avoiding Diabetes

Avoiding Diabetes
Avoiding diabetes can prove to be a bit of a challenge, but by determination to adapt a healthy lifestyle and routine, one can minimize the risk to a great extent. This article will tell you all about avoiding diabetes.

Diabetes is this one disease that prevalent all around the world, India being the No.1 country followed by China. Speaking of the United States, over 20 million people are suffering from diabetes and the figures are bound to increase unless necessary precautions are taken for avoiding diabetes. Yes, diabetes can be prevented by taking necessary steps and following a healthier routine. Before we start on steps for avoiding diabetes, let's discuss the risk factors related to the disease.

Risk Factors for Diabetes

Diabetes can occur due to various factors depending upon the following:
Heredity: Diabetes is a hereditary situation and is more prone to occur in a person who has a family history for the same, especially if one or both of the parents have had it.
Age: The risk for developing diabetes also depends upon the age. 20% of the people in the United States suffering from diabetes are aged 65 and above.
Obesity: As per statistics more than 80 percent of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes are overweight, making this one of the major problems caused by obesity.
If you think that you somewhat come under one of the above mentioned categories, then it's high time for you to take necessary steps in order to avoid diabetes.

Tips for Avoiding Diabetes

The risk for diabetes can be controlled provided you are determined to do so. As mentioned above, the risk factors include heredity, obesity and age. How to avoid diabetes is a question whose answer lies in the lifestyle. Of course by eating healthy and exercising you can control obesity which is one of the factors of diabetes. By eating right and staying physically active, you can prevent avoiding diabetes complications due to the age factor. And lastly by following a healthy routine, you can obviously minimize the risk of developing diabetes even if it is hereditary. Below mentioned are some tips for avoiding diabetes.

Eat Healthy
This is a tip that is not just confined to diabetes but for any health related issue. If you are under the risk of developing diabetes then you should opt for eating healthy foods to avoid diabetes. Rice, cookies, fried food, red meat, chips, pasta, soft drinks, hard drinks are a few food items that we tend to consume on a daily basis, but these food items come under the category of foods to avoid with diabetes. Instead, follow a diabetes diet menu and eat foods like fresh fruits and vegetables with high fiber, grains, skimmed milk, white meat, and so on, to prevent the risk of diabetes as avoiding diabetes diet can lead to a lot of serious complications.

Get Physically Active
Diabetes is a disease which affects the ability of the pancreas to secrete insulin which is essential for digestion. Because of this, diabetic patients are forced to take insulin injections every time before they take their meals in the morning and evening. Exercising makes the pancreas more strong and efficient to secrete insulin. As mentioned earlier, obesity is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes, therefore making exercise a great tip for avoiding type 2 diabetes. Exercises for diabetes can be as simple as a 30 minute brisk walk everyday to some challenging exercises to reduce your waistline. As per statistics, exercising reduces the risk of developing diabetes to almost 30%. So exercise and get physically active, it has many rewarding benefits in the long run.

Quit Drinking and Smoking
Drinking is absolutely a NO if you want to save yourself from being a diabetic and take insulin injections! As far as smoking is concerned, people who smoke have up to 50% higher risk of getting diabetes than people who don't smoke. Smoking and drinking also affects the ability of the pancreas for secreting insulin and has enormous other ill effects on the health that can boost the risk of developing diabetes.

Regular Medical Check-ups
Getting yourself checked by a doctor on a regular basis is another step towards avoiding diabetes. Get your blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels checked on a monthly basis. Seek advice from your doctor when it comes to following a diet. Your physician is an expert and will thoroughly keep you updated about your health.

The bottom line that is indicated by the above mentioned tips for avoiding diabetes is that one should maintain a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to women, following the above mentioned tips can also help avoiding diabetes during pregnancy also known as gestational diabetes. Studies have shown that people who regularly follow and maintain a nutritious diet and proper exercise in their daily routine, decrease the chances of developing diabetes by almost 71%. So, eat healthy, stay fit and active, and prevent yourself from not only diabetes, but other health issues too. All the best! :)

Natural Cures for Depression and Anxiety
Read this article to know about the effective natural cures for depression and anxiety, which can help you overcome anxiety attacks and lead a stress free life. Have a look!

Statistics show that more than 15 million adults in the United States suffer from clinical depression and anxiety every year! And the worst part is that 80% of the people suffering are not taking any treatment for it! If the situation remains that same, experts predict depression and anxiety to be the 2nd most common health problem by 2020! Depression, anxiety, stress - these are some things that come in hand with the kind of lifestyle that we are living in the modern world! With too much to do and too little time, with things changing so fast, with more work and less job security and meeting day to day demands while maintaining the standard of living…most of us don't even realize when depression and anxiety enters within and disturbs the enthusiasm of living life! Another fact that remains is that most of us know that we are depressed, but never want to make it official by seeking medical help and look for alternative medicine for depression and anxiety! Though I strictly advise medical attention if you think that the situation is too bad, there are some natural cures for depression and anxiety that can help you in an efficient and effective way. These natural remedies for depression and anxiety are discussed below.

Natural Depression and Anxiety Remedies

Fighting depression and anxiety is not easy, especially if it has become a natural tendency! However, there are many natural techniques and remedies that can help you cope with depression and anxiety in your life! These natural cures for depression and anxiety prove to be effective only if you learn to adapt them in your day to day life. Have a look!

Natural Herbs for Depression and Anxiety
If the world has problems, it also has the solutions! Nature has many herbal remedies for depression and anxiety that can help you control your depression and anxiety. These natural herbs for anxiety and depression are discussed as follows.
Valerian: The Valerian herb is known for its relaxing or sedative properties. One common problem that people suffering from depression and anxiety come across is lack of sleep. This helps relax the mind and get some good sleep, enabling the person overcome anxiety and depression.
St. Johns Wort: One of the most effective natural cure for depression and anxiety, the St. Johns Wort is known to be equally effective as a prescribed medicine for treating mild-moderate depression as per the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.
Kava Kava: It is a natural herb for depression and anxiety which is consumed as a beverage to treat depression and anxiety disorders. It helps the mind and body relax and rest by enabling a sound and peaceful sleep.
Natural Therapies for Depression and Anxiety
Many natural therapies also help in natural cures for depression and anxiety! These therapies are discussed as under.
Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy helps cure anxiety and depression naturally. This therapy uses essential plant oils to relax a person both in body and in mind.
Acupuncture: Acupuncture for depression and anxiety has proved to be among the most effective natural remedies for depression and anxiety. Our body has many acupuncture points that can help us control depression and anxiety without consuming any dangerous drugs and medications!
Yoga: Yoga is known to be very beneficial to overcome problems related to depression, anxiety and stress. In fact, practicing a stress relief yoga everyday with some relaxing yoga exercises proves to be very effective in curing depression as well as stress and anxiety naturally.
Meditation: The mind is never at peace when a person suffers from problems like anxiety and depression. Mediation and breathing exercises would help relax that body and mind and help rejuvenate you from within.
Massage Therapy: All one needs when under the influence of depression and anxiety is to get some peace of mind! One of the many benefits of massage therapy is to relax and rejuvenate both the mind and body of the person with the help of applying some essential oils and massaging the body!
Some More Natural Cures to Fight Anxiety and Depression
Apart from the above mentioned natural remedies for depression and anxiety that includes therapies and herbs which helps you fight against depression and anxiety, it is also very important to consume the right amount and the right kind of food and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Below is the list of some additional natural remedies for anxiety and depression that can help you.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Studies show that consumption of omega 3 fatty acids helps in lowering the levels of depression and anxiety in a person. So make sure you consume food items which are rich in these essential fats.
Physical Activities: A person who is more active physically is less prone to depression and anxiety as compared to the person who is less active. So make sure you do ample amount of exercises and physical movements that will contribute in keeping anxiety and depression under control.
Eat Healthy: Eating food that is healthy and has more fiber in them helps make the body and mind feel light and active. This also contributes to the process of overcoming depression and anxiety.
So these were some natural cures for depression and anxiety. Adapting these in your daily lifestyle with commitment and dedication will definitely give you the inner energy that will help you overcome anxiety and depression. I hope this article proved to be of help. Take care.

How to Help Someone with Depression

How to Help Someone with Depression
Depression is known to be the most unpredictable disease in medicine. Find out how to help someone with depression, from the article written below.

To begin this article, I would like to introduce you to what depression is. The medical definition of depression is that, it is a type of mental and physical illness, where both the mental and physical effects on the body are dependent on each other. The more serious phase is known as major depression or clinical depression and has many causes, some major while others minor. In this disorder, these respective causes affect the victim's behavior, thoughts, feelings and physical health, because the victim is unable to battle the pressures created by them.

The common depression symptoms are; feelings of sadness, anxiousness, hopeless, emptiness, helplessness, guilt, worthlessness, irritability or restlessness, dissatisfaction with one's life, suicidal tendencies, etc. Therefore, if you know someone who is suffering from these symptoms, it is very important to help them get out of it. But you need to know how to help someone with depression, as these people are at a very sensitive stage in their lives. So, if you want to find a few tips to do so, read into the coming up paragraphs, as depression treatment is not entirely effective with medicine but care and affection.

Helping Someone with Depression

Depression is not a hereditary disorder, or as easy to cure as a common cold. It is a strong evil which takes charge of your mind and thoughts to alter them in such a way, that you can't take anything positively. Even if it is not innate, depression is something you may acquire for life, and turns into a chronic illness which needs long term treatment. However, it is not an incurable disease as it is related to your mind and psyche, which can be changed with counseling, medication, and other effective treatment. There are many forms of depression like OCD, Bipolar Depression and ADD.

People who are depressed, usually, suffer from mental issues like loss of interest in hobbies, poor concentration, weak memory or inability to make decisions and contemplation of suicide. They suffer from physical problems like overeating or loss of appetite, insomnia or excessive sleeping, energy loss, pains and digestive problems. Treating depression naturally can be one of the treatment options. But, learning how to help someone with depression is a must, as you might just save that person's life.

Understand Them
There are many ways of finding out how to help someone with depression and anxiety, the first one being, making them feel comfortable.
Don't ever tell a person in depression, that you understand him, as they are at a point where they are convinced "nobody understands". You can simply be supportive and treat them with a little respect, so that they notice the attention.
To start with, how to treat depression, ask them if they need anything and try to be polite around them. Be nice and offer help if they need it. You can also talk to them when you see them sitting alone and sad (common sight among these patients).
Offer to take them out and help them socialize as much as they can. Don't let them feel ignored and unwanted, but take them shopping and ask them for their suggestions and even advise.
Be Supportive
Being supportive is considered as a very important factor in dealing with individuals suffering from loneliness and depression. If they are in denial, make them feel like they can depend on you for emotional support, so that they open up to you.
When they feel confident that they may confide in you for emotional as well as family support. Bring about some positivity in their life by being their parent, friend, guide, a good partner, or any other role that is needed by them. This can prove to be very effective. If you want to know how to help someone with depression and alcoholism, as addicts are very conservative.
Don't make them feel derogatory to you, as you will only end up shaking their confidence, and they will shy off even more.
Encourage Them
People who are depressed think a lot and have many versions of negative thoughts in their minds. This is why, encouraging them in whatever they like to do can be great ways to treat depression, instead of being rude and intolerant about their interests.
They are also very angry and impatient people, who can often have anger outbursts every now and then. Therefore, being patient and kind to them is a good tip on how to help someone with depression and anger.
If your child is suffering from depression, don't ever say the word, "NO" to them. It leaves a negative impact on them and they might end up doing something aggressive. Pat their back and encourage them to pursue what they like! Positive thinking can also help them change.
So, with these easy tips on how to help someone with depression, I think you must have found some valuable information about the same. Always remember that any of us can be in a similar situation as these depressed, so don't ignore or be mean to them. Instead help them by giving love, affection and attention to them, so that they can get out of this deadly disorder as soon as they can.

Preventing DehydrationDependent Personality Disorder Treatment

Preventing DehydrationDependent Personality Disorder Treatment
Dependent personality disorder is a condition wherein a person becomes too much dependent on others so that they can fulfill their emotional and physical needs. This article explains about the dependent personality disorder treatment and more…

Dependent personality disorder, which was earlier known as Asthenic Personality Disorder, is one of the most common disorder which is also included amongst a group of anxious personality disorders. Abbreviated as DPD, this personality disorder can be explained as a condition wherein an individual is way too much dependent on his/her relationships with others in order to feel secured, protected, nurtured in terms of fulfilling their psychological, emotional and physical requirements. This personality disorder is equally prevalent in both men and women and tends to occur in them during their early or middle adulthood. The exact dependent personality disorder causes are unknown, however, some studies and researchers associate this disorder with a combination of certain development and biological parameters, one of them would be spending one’s childhood in an overprotective environment under authoritarian parenting and upbringing.

A person suffering from DPD tends to depend on a significant other to an extent that he or she needs their reassurance and advice in even the smallest of decisions in life. They are unable to take their own decisions and feel that they are not efficient enough to survive alone without being under the care and protection of a ‘strong person’. To make sure that the person never leaves them, they tend to go out of their way to please the person. They can do unreasonable actions, including those that they don’t approve of, just to please the significant other and to have themselves protected and nurtured. They don’t demand, they don’t show their anger and they don’t complain. Instead they become meek and docile to be able to sustain not the person, but the security in the relationship.

How to Treat Dependent Personality Disorder

You would be surprised to know that generally people suffering with this personality disorder don’t seek medical attention unless they are actually facing difficulties in their personal life due to this disorder. This is because people suffering from this personality disorder are also prone to experience depression, certain phobias and anxiety disorders. Not only this, these people are also prone to be emotionally or physically abused by their caregiver as they tend to do anything (whether right or wrong) to sustain their relationship. Because of this, they can also be a victim of substance abuse. Therefore, when it comes to the treatment of dependent personality disorder, the prime focus should be on not giving them the care and protection that they seek in others, but helping them to become self dependent when it comes to taking their own decisions and taking control of their relationships.

Diagnostic Guidelines for Treating Dependent Personality Disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is a manual referred worldwide in order to diagnose mental disorders, a person needs to have at least 5 of the below mentioned signs and symptoms in order to be diagnosed as a patient of dependent personality disorder. These criteria are mentioned in the DSM IV- TR in Axis II Cluster C.
Inability to make decisions about one’s life without being dependent on others for advice and reassurance.
Depending on others to take responsibility for almost all the major and minor parts of life.
Inability to express disagreement with others due to the fear of losing the care and support of the caregiver. (Note: Not to include reasonable and realistic fears of retribution)
Inability to take the initiative of things or new assignments and projects on their own, because of their lack of self confidence, motivation, energy or judgment.
Tendency to go way beyond normal lengths just to sustain or obtain support and care from others, even if it involves some unpleasant actions or deeds.
Extensive fear of being all alone which causes a great deal of discomfort and a sense of helplessness because of the belief that the person is incapable to take care of oneself on their own.
In case a close relationship ends, the person immediately looks for another relationship as a means to feel protected and secure.
Is always preoccupied with the feeling and fear of being left alone with the responsibility to take care of oneself.
Treatment for Dependent Personality Disorder

Now that we are aware of the behavior and mindset of people suffering from dependent personality disorder, it is obvious that the main goal of its treatment should be to make the individual more confident about one’s capability to take care of themselves on their own. The treatment should be able to bring in a sense of autonomy in a person so that he or she needn’t depend on another person to feel secured and protected. For this there are many different approaches and therapies. These are mentioned as follows.

Psychotherapy is probably the most effective treatment option that has proved to be beneficial when it comes to treating this personality disorder. Below mentioned are a few among the various therapies that are used for treatment purposes.

Adlerian Therapy
In this therapy, the therapist tries to gather information about the patient’s family history to help the patient set goals and perform based on their past performance in certain situations. These goals are set with a motive to encourage the patient to feel equal in the society. The therapist and the patient work together and set goals that are neither too easy, nor too difficult for the patient to achieve. These goals are set keeping in mind their marital life, social lifestyle, parenting style and even their involvement in substance abuse. It is a teamwork among the therapist and the patient to work together and make the patient achieve these goals.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This therapy helps the person overcome certain behavioral issues and beliefs, which are the prime reason behind the condition. An example for the same would be the belief that they cannot take independent decisions in life. Various approaches like coaching, relaxation techniques, self management and control, cognitive restructuring are used, to name a few! The main goal of this therapy is to focus on restructuring one’s behavior making the patient believe that the abnormal behavior was a result of incorrect learning.

Reality Therapy
As the name suggests, this therapy helps the patient focus on reality and enables them to be self sufficient to live in the real world. The therapist analyzes as to when and why does the patient act in a certain way and also makes the patient evaluate the same. This helps the therapist make the patient understand and challenge him or her to face reality in a much more effective and confident manner.

Gestalt Therapy
The main focus of this therapy is to help the patient realize and identify their own problems and learn how they can avoid being a victim of these problems. The patients are made aware of their personal responsibilities. Awareness and positive enlightenment is the main focus of this therapy so that the patients do not depend on others but rather take care of themselves and their family on their own.

If you have noticed, all the therapies used for the dependent personality disorder treatment focus on the patient to systematically realize their individual problems and work towards solving them. Group therapies and family and marital therapy wherein the focus is towards eliminating all barriers and building strong relationships, have also proved to be of great help in treating this disorder.

Medications and Drugs
Though psychotherapy is considered to be the most effective method to treat dependent personality disorder, medication can also prove to be of help in the long run. Because people with this disorder also get into depression, antidepressants may be helpful, but they should more or less be avoided as these people may get dependent on these medications resulting into drug abuse.

So this was a brief write up explaining about dependent personality disorder and its treatment and diagnosis. I hope this article helped you in understanding the psychology of such patients and how they should be dealt with. Another point to be noted is that as these patients are in constant need for support and reassurance, they may tend to complain a lot regarding their physical wellness. In this case, both the therapist and the family members should make sure that they don’t dismiss their complaints but also make it a point that they don’t encourage them as well. Like any other mental disorder, even this disorder needs to be dealt with a lot of care and caution.